Prep Baseball Report

Top Prospect Games II: TrackMan Pitching Data

Kyle Campbell
Maryland Scouting Director

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Prep Baseball Report Maryland events continue to be powered by TrackMan’s industry-leading portable system to capture pinpoint accurate, actionable data from player performances. Prep Baseball Report and TrackMan are dedicated to recognizing talent and unleashing their potential.

At this year's Top Prospect Games II, all pitchers registered to receive data as part of their package had a chance to throw live while being monitored through the portable Trackman B1 unit. Each player threw their complete arsenal of pitches allowing us to collect metrics such as release velocity, spin rate, vertical & horizontal movement and much more.

This data goes directly into the player profiles allowing the PBR Staff, college coaches and professional scouts alike to evaluate and compare prospects on a national scale. Below is some of the pitching data recorded from the event across several categories. 



TRACKMAN Pitching Data



NCAA Averages: Top 10% - 92.5 mph, Top 25% - 90.8 mph, Avg. 50% - 88.9 mph



Spin Rate: Measures how fast the ball is spinning (reported in rotations per minute or RPM).

When looking at fastball spin rates, coaches and scouts are looking for pitchers that are outside the norm. High spin rate fastball, typically, tend to ride on hitter, creating swing and miss, and playing at the top of the strike zone; frequently described as having "late life". Low spin rate guys, typically, are creating some sink on their fastball, or the appearance that the fastball is diving; frequently described as having "heavy feel to it".

The pure spin rate does not tell the whole story on any one pitch. Coaches and scouts are also evaluating spin efficiency and spin direction. They also want to see some consistency, pitch-to-pitch, on the release point.

Average Fastball Spin Rates

- MLB = 2256 rpm
- College = 2148 rpm
- High School = 1977 rpm

To learn more about Trackman data and what it all means, click here.

NCAA Averages (RPM): Top 10% - 2372, Top 25% - 2266, Avg. 50% - 2148



Spin Rate: Measures how fast the ball is spinning (reported in rotations per minute or RPM).

Typically bigger spin can mean bigger break, but again on the breaking ball the spin efficiency can play a part. There are also studies that show the speed of the pitch can affect if the spin rate has a chance to take hold and create the break a pitcher is looking for. 

Average Curveball Spin Rates

- MLB = 2582 rpm
- College = 2339 rpm
- High School = 2069 rpm

To learn more about Trackman data and what it all means, click here.

NCAA Averages (RPM): Top 10% - 2730, Top 25% - 2539, Avg. 50% - 2339



NCAA Averages (RPM): Top 10% - 2973, Top 25% - 2490, Avg. 50% - 2304



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