Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Insider: La Center's Justin Fuller

Philip Roe
Associate Scout

Prep Baseball: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? What were you looking for out of a college program to continue your baseball career at?.

Fuller: At first the recruiting processes is nerve racking, not really knowing what to expect but after the first couple calls with coaches everything went great. Oregon State had every factor I was looking for in a college. The atmosphere, location, coaches, and the winning culture make me eager to be a beaver.

PB: When did the recruiting process really start to heat up for you? Where did the school you committed to first see you play?

F: The recruiting process started heating up for me during the winter of my sophomore year after going down to ASU for a team camp. Oregon State first saw me play at Pac games, fast forward a year and a half, and I went and did a camp down in Corvallis.

PB: What are you most looking forward to when it comes to playing college baseball?

F: I’m looking forward to being in a new environment like Corvallis, while also looking forward to competing and making lifelong friends and teammates.

PB: In your opinion who is the best player you have faced in the state? What about them makes for a tough opponent?

F: I would say Adam Haight is probably the most well-rounded baseball player I’ve had to compete against. He can do it all on the field.

PB: At what point in your career did you realize you were a college-caliber player and became serious about taking your game to the next level?

F: I would say I became serious about dedicating myself to baseball on the field and in the weight room around my freshman year. At that point, I realized that baseball is something I want to try and pursue beyond high school.

PB: What advice would you give to young baseball players striving to get where you are?

F: Hard work beats talent every time. Set big goals and work really hard towards them.

PB: What is the most memorable moment in your baseball career to this point?

F: The most memorable moment in my baseball career thus far is throwing a complete game 1 hitter in the district championship game. At the plate in this game, I also went 2/4 with 3 RBI's.

PB: Favorite restaurant in La Center area? Go to postgame order?

F: My favorite restaurant in La Center has to be El Rancho Viejo. Go to order for me is their chicken fajitas.

PB: Give us a quick preview of what to expect from your HS team next season. How do you feel your team will be in 2025?

F: We graduated 7 seniors this last year so next season we will be a fairly mixed age group. We got a lot of talented baseball players who want to compete, we will be striving for another state-run next year.