Unsigned Senior Games Analysis: Pitchers Part 1
September 19, 2017
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By John Nolan
Virginia Assistant Director and Content Manager
On Wednesday August 9, PBR VA/DC hosted the Unsigned Senior Games at Virginia Sports Complex in Central Virginia. Over 60 players from all corners of the Commonwealth showcased in front of college coaches and the PBR VA/DC staff at the event and had their videos and stats taken before taking part in a game. We continue our analysis of the event with our breakdown of the first third of the pitchers:
Brian Baucom RHP Midlothian (St. Mary’s College of Maryland)
Baucom is 6-0 with an athletic frame, throws from a high three-quarters arm slot with a short, free arm action and normal effort. Drop and drive delivery, shoulders closed and uphill, lands closed with slight fall off finish. Fastball was 75-78 with some plane and a bit of late run. Slider was 67 with hard 11/5 break and some armspeed. Change-up was 71 with some run and good armspeed. Showed a drop down fastball from a low three-quarters arm slot with heavy sink.
Bryce Blackburn LHP Midlothian
Blackburn is 6-0 with a lankier athletic frame, he throws from multiple arm slots, throwing from three-quarters and flat side arm. Short arm action that is loose at the end, some effort to his delivery. Shoulders level and on line, strides on line, athletic finish. Fastball was 75-79, from higher slot it has plane and a bit of sink, from side it has heavy sink. Breaking ball was 64 with two sharp break and two different shapes, sweeping from low slot and 1/7 from his higher slot. Change-up was 70 with some armspeed and late run.
Ryan Bronder RHP Centreville
Bronder is 5-11 with a lankier athletic frame, throws from a three-quarters arm slot. Stabs down after hand break but then shortens up to a shorter arm action that is free, normal to some effort to his delivery. Shoulders uphill and closed, lands closed with a fall off finish. Fastball was 76-78, touch 80 with some plane and late sink. Change-up was 68-69 with a bit of sink to it. Showed curveball in warmups with sharp 11/5 break.
Hunter Carden LHP Prince George
Carden is 6-0 with a lanky frame, throws from a high three-quarters arm slot with a longer arm action and normal effort. Shoulders uphill and closed, swings into a slightly closed landing with an athletic finish. Fastball was 75-78 with some downward plane to it. Curveball was 66 with gradual 1/7 break and some armspeed. Showed a change-up in warm-ups that had some sink to it.
Jason Covaney LHP Walsingham Academy
Covaney is 5-8 with an athletic frame, throws from a high three-quarters arm slot with a longer arm action and normal effort. Shoulders uphill and on line, lands open with a fall off finish. Fastball was 73-76 with some downward plane. Showed a change-up in warmups with some sink and cut and some armspeed. Curveball was 64-65 with hard 12/6 break and good armspeed. Showed a slider during warmups with hard 2/ break and good armspeed.
Caleb Elder RHP Great Bridge
Elder is 6-2 with an athletic frame and a stronger lower half. Throws from a three-quarters arm slot with a short, quick arm, drop and drive delivery and some effort. Shoulders are level and closed, lands slightly closed, athletic finish. Fastball was 79-82 with late sink and run. Showed sinking change in warmups with some armspeed. Curveball was 74, thrown with good armspeed and hard 11/5 break. Has feel for his command of all three pitches.
Zack Eppard RHP Fort Defiance
Eppard is 6-1 with a lankier athletic frame, he throws from a lower three-quarters arm slot with a longer arm action and normal effort. Shoulders uphill and closed, lands on line with a slight fall off finish. Fastball was 80-82 with heavy sink to it. Curveball 68-72 with hard 11/5 break and good armspeed.
Braden Gilbert RHP Norfolk Christian (Wilson College)
Gilbert is 5-11 with an athletic frame, throws from a low three-quarters arm slot with a longer arm action and normal effort. Shoulders level on line, lands closed with some fall off and recoil at times. Fastball was 77-79, touching 81, with heavy sink to it. Change-up was 66-69 with heavy sink and some armspeed.
Wes Glass LHP Riverside (Young Harris College)
Glass is 6-3 with an athletic frame, throws from a sidearm slot with a short quick arm action and some effort to his delivery. Good deception to his delivery, shoulders uphill and closed, lands closed with a fall off finish and some recoil, classic left crossfire. Fastball was 78-81, touching 82, with a tough angle and heavy run with some sink. Slider was 70-72 with good armspeed and hard 2/8 break. Change-up was 70-71 with heavy fade and good armspeed.
Christian Hall RHP Lunenberg Central
Hall is 6-1 with a strong lower half, throws from a three-quarters arm slot with a shorter free arm action and normal effort. Drop and drive delivery, shoulders uphill and closed, lands slightly closed with a bit of a fall off. Fastball was 75-77 and touched 78 with some late run to it. Curveball was 64-65 with sharp 11/5 break.