Prep Baseball Report

Blast Leaders: Preseason All State East

Matt Payne
Director of Scouting, PBR of NC

On Saturday January 29th PBR of North Carolina hosted it’s Preseason All State East event at Diamond Xtreme in Kernersville, NC. The Preseason All State Events are the top winter events in North Carolina. Each year these events feature some of the top talent from each area of the state. Players ranged from the 2022-2026 grad classes. 

Pitchers and catchers were up first. Catchers were able to go through a full defensive workout, throwing through to 2B at the spacious indoor facility.  Pitchers threw controlled bullpens with Trackman collecting ball flight analytics.  Following the pitchers, infielders and outfielders went through a defensive workout, followed by all of the position players taking live BP in the open atmosphere of Diamond Xtreme with Trackman gathering ball flight data. 

CLICK HERE for the full roster and stats from the event


Blast Leaders

Max Hand Speed

Average Hand Speed

Peak Bat Speed

Average Bat Speed

Max Rotational Acceleration

Average Rotational Acceleration

Average On Plane Effenciency