Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Spotlight: 19' Jakob Kouneski C Minneapolis Southwest

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

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Scouting Report

6/19/18-  6-foot-1, 200-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #20 ranked player in MN 2019 class. 7.14 runner. Durable frame with present strength, pre-set hands, slight rhythm, loaded body, flashes pop in bat, mid/pull approach, line drive and fly ball hitter, 86 mph exit velocity. works through plate, clean exchange with quick release, online throws to bag with carry and accuracy, 79 mph arm strength with 1.89-2.02 pop times.

3/18/18- 6-foot-1, 205-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #36 ranked player in MN 2019 class. Strong durable build with thickness and strength in lower half. 7.7 runner. Square stance, preset weight on back leg, easy leg lift trigger, simple swing, repeats well, looks to elevate baseball, gap to gap, line drive approach, shows strength and pop in bat, 85 mph exit velocity. Polished behind plate, has mobility with ability to block, sure hands and receives well, quick feet and release, throws have carry and accuracy to bag, 75 mph arm strength with 1.88-1.95 pop times.


3/18/17- 6-foot-1, 200-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. Physical with strong lower half. 7.84 runner. Easy body load into launch position, uphill path through contact, flashes pop in bat, fly ball contact to mid/oppo side of field, 83 mph exit velocity. Large frame behind plate, mobile, sticks low strikes, works ball back to middle of plate well, quick feet with direct exchange, get rid of ball well, solid accuracy to bag, 1.83-1.92 pop times with 75 mph arm strength. On mound; short turn into balance point, drop and drive to plate, lands open on release, heavy stab down on back-side and is clean out front with solid hand speed. Fastball was 79-81 mph; touching 82 mph with flat action to plate. 10/4 breaking has flashes of being solid pitch. Avg. fade on 71-72 mph changeup.

10/24/16- 6-foot-1, 202-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. 7.82 runner. Easy load and stride, shows rhythm in swing, slight hitch in trigger, transfers weight well through swing, works mostly mid/away, line drive contact with flashes of pop in bat, 80 mph exit velocity. Good direction and momentum on throws, stays low and works through plate, clean exchanges with quick release, throws have accuracy and carry to bag, shows flexibility and moves well with size, good hands, above avg. high school receiver, 1.9-1.97 pop times with 72 mph arm strength. On mound; avg. tempo, moderate effort, slight shoulder tip, works up and over pounding fastball downhill. Fastball was 79-82 mph with heavy cut action for strikes. 12/6 breaking ball has short break, tight rotation, and above avg. depth at plate. Heavy flat action on changeup consistently in zone. Strong Follow in MN 2019 class.





PBR: What schools have expressed interest in you?

Kouneski: A handful of division one schools, and a number of local division two schools, as well as a few JUCO programs. 

PBR: Have you taken any visits, or have any visits scheduled in the near future?

Kouneski: I have not taken any visits and at this point do not have any scheduled, but I plan on scheduling some in the near future.

PBR: Are you looking for anything in particular in a school? (Example: high academics, certain academic program, local, etc.)

Kouneski: I’m looking for a school that has a competitive baseball program as well as developmental tools that can help me reach my goals as a baseball player. I also plan on majoring in Kinesiology.

PBR: What were some of your highlights during your junior year?

Kouneski: Our high school team played very well throughout our spring season and beat a lot of good teams which resulted in some of the most fun baseball games I’ve played in.

PBR: What are your goals for this year?

Kouneski: This offseason while training with Cody Beam at Tier One Performance as a part of a diverse strength program, I plan on getting stronger, and more explosive. Some measurable goals that help equate where I want to be athletically by the spring are a 550+lb deadlift, 36+ inch standing vertical, as well as a 9 foot broad jump.

PBR: Do you play any other sports?

Kouneski: I play basketball as well.

PBR: What is your ACT and GPA?

Kouneski: 26, 3.5