Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Countdown: Brian Curley

Jason Burton
Richmond Scouting Coordinator



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Scouting Report



VA/DC State Games

Curley is 5-10 with an athletic frame that has some strength in the lower half and some projection left to it. He throws from a high three-quarters arm slot, very short loose lightning quick arm action and high effort to his delivery. Drop and drive delivery, shoulders are uphill and closed, lands slightly open with an athletic finish. Fastball was 86-88, touching 89, with downward angle and some heavy late armside run. Slider had good armspeed and was 74-77 with sharp hard 11/5 break to it, pitch is swing and miss. Change-up was 79-80 with good armspeed and some late run.




PBR Future Games

Athletic 5-foot-9, 170-pound right handed arm that offers high fastball spin from a short quick arm action. Shoulders are closed and slightly uphill moving down the mound. Works with intent and challenges hitters throughout counts. The fastball sat 85-88 mph with a spin rate that got up to 2517 rpm. The fastball plays. It got plenty of swings and misses at both ends of the zone and has plenty of carry. The slider has hard late life at 74-76 mph and has the makings of a legitimate next level pitch. Showed a changeup at 80-83 that had feel for the zone, but was his third pitch. Curley offers a real two pitch mix with makings of a bullpen arm that can get swings and misses. Really like how he comes at hitters and the slider has potential to be plus.