Prep Baseball Report

IA Top Prospect Games- Catcher Evaluations

By Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Iowa

Prep Baseball Report's IA Top Prospect Games event took place on Sunday, August 6, 2017. The event was held at Duane Banks Field on the campus of the University of Iowa. The event featured prospects from the 2018 grad class. 

There were a number of great individual performances this year at the IA Top Prospect Games

As we drill down into the statistics:

+  17 players ran sub 4.6 H-1B.
+  28 players recorded 85+ mph exit velocities
+  16 players recorded 80+ mph infield throws
+  12 players recorded 80+ mph outfield throws
+  9 catchers recorded 70+ mph throws to second base
+  6 catchers recorded sub-2.1 pop times
+  33 pitchers were 80+ mph on the mound


Below we have listed the evaluations for the catchers in attendance at the event. The event was strong with catchers with above average ability to play behind the plate at the next level.Though they contrast in size and approach; North Scott's Tony Barreca and Iowa City Regina's Trent Hoogerwerf both showed above avg. ability and pushed themselves to the front of the pack. Caden Ferguson (Waukee) shows strength at the plate with an above avg. throwing arm; Cedar Rapids Prairie's Sam Lockhart flashed above avg. receiving skills; and South Dakota State commit, Nic McCay, showed a broad range of ability with the bat, behind the plate, and on the mound.


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Tony Barreca, C/OF, North Scott, 2018
5-foot-10, 170-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. #14 ranked player in Iowa 2018 class. 4.5 home-to-first time. Square stance, short to contact, compact swing, aggressive approach, flashed hard line drive contact, gap to gap approach, 90 mph exit velocity. Above avg. blocker and receiver, directs traffic well during game action, deads ball and keeps in front. Quick feet with clean exchange, flashes carry to bag, occasionally short to bag on throws, 76 mph arm strength with 1.95-2.01 pop times. Versatility in field with ability to play outfield as well with solid routes, tracks fly balls well, above avg. runner, and has accurate arm on throws with 84 mph arm from outfield.

Noah Bruckner, C, Atlantic, 2018
5-foot-7, 185-pound right-handed hitting catcher. 5.03 home-to-first time. Slight crouch, body load, preset hands, inverted swing plane, avg. pop in bat, pull side approach, fly ball contact, 78 mph exit velocity. Solid/avg. receiver, sticks pitches well, shows ability to block. Solid footwork, good momentum through plate, clean exchanges, longer arm action, accurate to bag, has improved on catch/throw skills over past year, 73 mph arm strength with 2.06-2.13 pop times.

Noah Cook, C, Urbandale, 2018
5-foot-11, 200-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #81 ranked player in Iowa 2018 class. 4.89 home-to-first time. Square stance, present strength, transfers weight through swing, steep uphill path, fly ball contact, flashes of pop in bat, 92 mph exit velocity. Off-set stance, receives and blocks well to glove side, shows ability to block. Works through plate with feet, short arm action, some length to exchange, solid accuracy to bag, 73 mph arm strength with 2.19-2.31 pop times.

Blake Faber, C, Sioux City West, 2018
5-foot-9, 160-pound right-handed hitting catcher. 4.69 home-to-first time. Square stance, balanced, simple swing, pre-set hands with short stride, avg. pop in bat, gap to gap approach, 81 mph exit velocity. Square medium setup, shows soft hands behind plate, solid receiver and blocker, flashes quick twitch actions. Works through plate on throws, some length to exchange, hitch in arm action, solid accuracy to bag, 73 mph arm strength with 2.21-2.38 pop times.

Caden Ferguson, C, Waukee, 2018
6-foot-2, 190-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #70 ranked player in 2018 class- will see climb in rankings once updated. 4.89 runner. Physical build with present strength and above avg. arm behind plate. Open stance, rhythm in load, solid extension through contact, pull approach, flashes hard line drive and fly ball contact, 91 mph exit velocity. Solid receiver, hands are slightly stiff, present strength allows him to hold pitches in zone, solid flexibility, moves side to side well on blocks. Early momentum through plate, avg. accuracy to bag, above avg. carry and strength on throws, 83 mph arm strength with 2.06-2.15 pop times.

Chris Fowles, C, Ames, 2018
6-foot, 205-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #96 ranked player in Iowa 2018 class. 5.07 home-to-first time. Square stance, pre-set hands, short stride, uphill path, ground ball contact, mid/pull approach, 85 mph exit velocity. Avg. receiver, turns glove over to catch, has flexibility for size, higher setup effects blocking occasionally. Works through plate with feet, clean exchange, quick release, repeats well, upright on release, above avg. accuracy to bag, 75 mph arm strength with 2.1-2.21 pop times.

Trent Hoogerwerf, C, Iowa City Regina, 2018
6-foot-2, 200-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #42 ranked player in Iowa 2018 class. 4.9 runner. Tall athletic stance, shows rhythm in hands with body load and leg kick trigger, flashes hard line drive contact, mid/pull approach, 90 mph exit velocity. Above avg. athleticism and flexibility with size, soft hands with ability to stick pitches in zone, solid blocker, moves around plate well. Quick feet with clean exchange, slight hitch in release, occasional upright through plate, solid/avg. accuracy to bag, 75 mph arm strength with 2.01-2.14 pop times.

Brennen Lemke, C, Clinton, 2018
6-foot-2, 200-pound right-handed hitting catcher. 4.94 home-to-first time. Square stance, leg kick trigger, above avg. strength, stiff swing mechanics, flashes pop in bat, mid/pull approach with spray contact, 92 mph exit velocity. Avg. receiver and blocker, raw mechanics, could improve with instruction, solid behind plate with room for improvement. Works around plate with footwork, open front side, slingy arm path, avg. accuracy to bag, 74 mph arm strength with 2.12-2.26 pop times.

Sam Lockhart, C, Cedar Rapids Prairie, 2018
5-foot-11, 155-pound right-handed hitting catcher. 4.78 home-to-first time. Wide stance, leg kick trigger, rhythm in hand load, line drive swing plane, gap to gap hitter, fly ball and line drive contact with avg. pop in bat, 82 mph exit velocity. Wide flexible base, shows above avg. ability to block and receive, works underneath low pitches well. Good direction with feet, clean exchanges, lower arm slot, solid/avg. accuracy to bag, 72 mph arm strength with 2.14-2.26 pop times.

Jacob Manternach, C, Monticello, 2018
5-foot-11, 185-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #61 ranked player in Iowa 2018 class. 4.7 home-to-first time. Active load, present strength, arm bar, long to contact, solid pop in bat, spray line drive and fly ball contact, mid/pull approach, 87 mph exit velocity. Medium base with upright setup, avg. receiver, avg. hands. Accurate to bag, simple footwork, stiff throwing action, 68 mph arm strength with 2.13-2.27 pop times.

Nicholas Matijevic, C, Burlington Central, 2018
6-foot-2, 188-pound right-handed hitting catcher. 4.5 home-to-first time. Active load, heavy leg kick trigger, loose hands, has extension through zone, fly ball contact, mid/pull approach with solid pop in bat, 92 mph exit velocity. Shows ability to frame and receive, early target with sure hands, strong durable build, solid lateral quickness to block, works around plate, quick exchange and release, has above avg. accuracy to bag, solid carry on throws, 74 mph arm strength with 2.06-2.14 pop times.

Nic McCay, RHP/C, Carlisle, 2018
6-foot-1, 190-pound left-handed hitting 2-way player. #8 ranked player in state; South Dakota State commit. Shows 2-way ability on field. 4.45 home-to-first time. Open stance, body load, clean swing plane, uses whole field, solid contact, flashes of pop in bat, 91 mph exit velocity. Quick twitch actions, above avg. blocker, plays with energy, soft hands with ability to hold pitches in zone,  works slightly around plate with feet, clean exchanges, slight hitch in release, solid carry and accuracy to bag, 76 mph arm strength with 1.99-2.08 pop times.

Logan Trumbull, C, Iowa City West, 2018
5-foot-9, 160-pound right-handed hitting catcher. 4.94 home-to-first time. Body load, leg kick trigger, negative weight through swing, spray contact, gap to gap approach with avg. pop in bat, 78 mph exit velocity. Wide low base, solid flexibility, solid/avg. receiver, shows quickness and blocks well, slight length to exchange on throws, short arm action, lacks accuracy to bag, 70 mph arm strength with 2.15-2.2 pop times.

Joel Vaske, C, Dyersville Beckman, 2018
6-foot, 185-pound right-handed hitting catcher. #59 ranked player in Iowa 2018 class. Athletic build with present strength. Plays with energy- big motor. 4.65 runner. Wide stance, body load, keeps weight on backside, mostly fly ball contact with occasional hard line drives and ground balls through 6-hole, 93 mph exit velocity. Off-set stance, has athleticism, works underneath ball, has strength to hold pitches in zone. Works around plate, quick twitch action, hitch in arm action, accurate to bag, 74 mph arm strength with 2.15-2.22 pop times. Interesting prospect, has good ingredients, has things that can be cleaned up, strong follow with continued development.