Prep Baseball Report

Houston Underclass Trials: Pitcher Evals

By Toby Bicknell
Texas Scouting Director

Twitter: @PBR_Texas

The Houston Underclass Trials took place on Sunday, May 21 at Alvin Junior College. The event was open to all 2019, 2020, and 2021 high school graduates. Here is the breakdown of all the arms that threw bullpens that day.

Top Performers

Scouting Report

The 6-foot-1, 180-pound, right-hander showed a strong, quick arm stroke from a ¾ slot with his velocity ranging from 86-90 mph. The ball explodes out of his hand with life on his fastball. He throws a hard slider for strikes with tight spin, late bite, and 10-4 shape at 77-78 mph. Barnes showed all-around strength, throwing 91 mph from the outfield with outstanding carry, and posting an exit velocity of 91 mph. The right-handed hitter starts from a balanced stance, has smooth rhythm and uses a low-hovering leg kick, his hands stay back as he lands with leverage and transfers his weight through contact. Barnes drove the ball to the pull side gap during batting practice, showing good power for his class. He ran a 7.15 60 yard dash.

Scouting Report

The 5-foot-10, 170-pound, right-hander showed pitchability from two slots. His fastball has arm side run and sink from 83-85 mph. His curveball was 71-72 mph, while his slider was 73-76 mph. The sophomore also threw a changeup that flashed arm side fade from 78-79 mph. Smith has an athletic, max effort delivery with good energy as he gets down the mound, the arm stroke is quick and repeatable from both his high-¾ and lower-¾ slot. With his pitchability and ability to throw two pitches for strikes from two different arm slots, Smith will make a nice addition to a college pitching staff.

Scouting Report

Keithley was impressive with his arm speed and athleticism in the outfield, topping out at 84 mph. And once he got on the mound, the athleticism transitioned nicely from his 5-foot-9, 145-pound frame. The left-hander has a loose, quick arm stroke from a high-¾ slot, with his fastball ranging from 79-81 mph, with more velocity to come in the future. His curveball shows good spin for his class at 65-67 mph and 1-7 shape, while his changeup was 71-72 mph. The left-handed hitter starts from a wide, neutral stance with a flat bat over his back shoulder. He uses an athletic leg kick with advanced rhythm and a level hand path to get through the baseball with a loose, easy finish. He took a quality round of batting practice, driving the ball with ease and strength at contact.

Scouting Report

At 6-foot-2, 155-pounds, the rising freshman not only looks the part with a projectable frame, but he also impressed with a 7.0-second 60-yard dash time, running with an easy stride. The right-hander works from a high-¾ slot with a clean, easy, effortless arm stroke. Throws a straight, four-seam fastball at 82-83 mph. The freshman repeats his delivery and arm swing for his off speed pitches, his curveball was 65 mph with 11-5 shape, while his changeup was 66 mph. The right-handed hitter has a balanced stance with his weight slightly shifted to his back leg. He has a smooth load and uses a short, direct hand path make consistently hard contact during batting practice with a gap-to-gap approach. His exit velocity was 87 mph off the tee. At shortstop, Varnado has fluid footwork and solid glove action, clean exchanges in the mid-line of his body, and throw with an easy, quick release. Overall, Varnado is a high level prospect.  

Scouting Report

Reece has a projectable, long-limbed, high-waisted frame at 6-feet, 165-pounds. The right-hander works from a high-¾ slot with a long arm stroke. He shows good feel for the strike zone with both his fastball and slider. His fastball ranged from 77-79 mph with heavy action to his arm side as he turns the ball over. His slider has a short, sharp downward 11-5 break at 66-68 mph. The right-handed hitter has a tall setup and gets started with as smooth load and easy leg-kick, landing with his hands back and ready to hit. Although his exit velocity was only 84 mph, Reece transfers his weight through contact with good balance and showed strength at contact and power to the pull side during batting practice. Positionally, Reece threw 85 mph from the outfield with rhythm and athleticism coming through the ball. On the infield, Reece showed athleticism and the ability to play the left side of the field. With his projectable, strong frame and ability to play multiple positions, look for big things from Reece this summer.

Scouting Report

Andrews has a still-developing 5-foot-10, 145-pound, athletic, high-waisted frame. The right-hander works from a high-¾ slot with a clean, easy arm stroke. His fastball has arm side run and sink, ranging from 77-78 mph. He throws his curveball with good 11-5 shape and feel at 66-68 mph. He throws his changeup with fastball arm speed and arm side fade at 70-72 mph. A two-way player, Andrews has projectable athleticism and fluid actions in the outfield, and threw 80 mph during the outfield workout. The right-handed hitter has a tall, slightly open set-up, smooth load, a good weight transfer in his lower half. Andrews uses the middle of the field during batting practice, with a line drive path, quick hands, and some power to the pull side. His exit velocity was 84 mph, and he ran a 7.34 60-yard dash. With his projectable frame and all-around athleticism, look for big things from this two-way player in the future. High academic student.

BEST OF THE REST (Alphabetical)


Jackson Allen C / RHP / Allen Academy, TX / 2019

6-foot, 185-pound frame. The right-hander works from a high slot with a long arm swing. His fastball ranged from 71-75 mph. His slider has 11-5 shape at 69-70 mph. His changeup was 68-69 mph. Allen, a two-way player and right-handed hitter, has a tall, slightly open stance. He rocks back slightly to load his body back to square, lifting his hands and taking a short stride. Contact approach with topspin from the middle-to-pull side of the field. At first base he threw 72 mph to second base. Behind the plate his pop times were 2.25-2.36, with 69 mph velocity. His exit velocity was 76 mph off the tee.




Joel Azua RHP / 2B / Hutto, TX / 2019

5-foot-9, 130-pound, long-limbed, wiry frame. The right-hander works from a high slot with a long arm stroke. His fastball ranged from 73-76 mph at the top of the strike zone. He throws a 12-6 curveball at 54-58 mph. He throws his changeup for strikes at 65-68 mph. A two way player, Azua ran a 7.19 60-yard dash and runs with long, athletic strides. Offensively, the right-handed hitter has a tall setup and smooth rhythm as he lands in a balanced launch position. He has a gap-to-gap approach and back-spun the ball in the middle of the field, keeping his head still, while finishing the barrel with an easy finish. At shortstop, Azua showed an accurate arm with fundamental, choppy footwork, average hands and exchange for his class.



Drew Baggerley 1B / RHP / Deer Park, TX / 2019

6-foot-1, 180-pound, sturdy frame. The right-hander works from a high-¾ slot with a long arm swing. Throws a straight fastball at 76-78 mph. His curveball has gradual break at 64-65 mph with 11-5 shape, while his changeup was 67 mph. A two-way player and right-handed hitter, Baggerley has a tall setup, slightly rocks back into his load, and uses a flat path to drive the ball to the pull side with strength at contact. His exit velocity was 80 mph off the tee. At first base, Baggerley plays low as he attacks ground balls with his nose over his toes into a good fielding position, and throws with a long arm motion at 72 mph.



Reginald Brown 3B / RHP / Lamar, TX / 2020

At 6-foot-2, 230-pounds, Brown already has a strong frame for a rising sophomore. The right-hander works from a high-¾ slot with a long, quick arm stroke. His fastball shows life to his arm side, ranging from 77-79 mph. His curveball 11-5 shape with downward action at 70 mph. His changeup was 74-75 mph. Brown, a two-way player and right-handed hitter, Brown took an outstanding round of batting practice with a natural, fluid swing, barrel awareness and strength at contact. He starts from a tall relaxed stance and angles the bat into a strong launch position as he loads with natural rhythm and an athletic leg kick into a short stride. He uncoils his lower half with a strong lower half, short hand path, and explosive bat speed. Brown has already present power with balance and strength at contact, driving balls deep into the gaps during batting practice. The rising sophomore does an outstanding job of finishing the barrel with his top hand and maintaining leverage throughout his swing. Although he has slower feet on the infield, he is an accurate arm at 77 mph across the infield. Look for Browns foot-speed to increase as he continues to develop. Brown is an exciting bat to follow in the 2020 class.



Cole Grimes 3B / RHP / Cypress Woods, TX / 2019

5-foot-11, 150-pound, lean frame. The right-hander works from a high slot a long arm swing and repeatable, directional, tall-and-fall delivery. He has good command of a four-seam fastball that ranged from 71-75 mph. His curveball was 60-63 mph with 11-5 downward action, while his changeup was 70 mph. As a right-handed hitter, Grimes starts from a slightly open stance before loads with a low, knee-to-knee leg kick as he dives toward the plate with average balance. He showed a contact-gap approach during batting practice with a short path to contact. At shortstop, Grimes gets the ball out of his glove with clean exchanges and threw 73 mph across the diamond.



Tyler Kelly 3B / RHP / Hutto, TX / 2020

5-foot-10, 170-pound, sturdy frame. The right-hander works from a high slot with a medium arm stroke. His fastball ranged from 73-77 mph. He throws a 12-6 curveball at 62-65 mph, and a 69 mph changeup. Kelly, a two way player and right-handed hitter, has an athletic setup with quick rhythm. He loads into his back leg, raising his hands as he lands with a short stride. Gap-to-gap approach produced line drives during batting practice, stayed on top of balls at the top of the zone. Exit velocity of 78 mph off the tee. On the infield, he has some rhythm in his footwork, does a nice job shuffling to get online with his target, and made accurate throws 75 mph.



Drew Linseisen RHP / 3B / Austin, TX / 2019

6-foot, 160-pound, lean, still developing frame. The right-hander works from a high slot with a long arm stroke and repeatable, drop-and-drive delivery. His fastball ranged from 76-78 mph. He throws a 12-6 curveball that flashes sharpness at 68 mph. His changeup has downward sink at 73 mph. Linseisen does a nice job of driving his back hip toward the plate as he transfers his weight through release point. Look for Linseisen to to make jumps as he continues to add strength to his frame.



Brandon Madden OF / LHP / St Pius X, TX / 2019

5-foot-10, 170-pound frame with present strength. On the mound, the left-hander works from a high-¾ slot with a long arm swing and repeatable delivery. His fastball has some heavy action at 76-80 mph. His curveball was 63-65 mph with late action and 2-8 shape. He uses a good dancing knuckleball as his third pitch at 63 mph. Madden, a two-way player and right-handed hitter, starts from a balanced, athletic stance. He has fluid rhythm when he loads back, then lands into a strong position as he explodes through contact, producing line drive power with good extension. His barrel stays in the hitting zone a long time and the ball jumps off his bat.



Antonio Matamoros 2B / SS / Cedar Ridge, TX / 2020

5-foot-10, 140-pound, still developing frame. The right-hander works from a high-¾ slot with a short, compact arm stroke and repeatable delivery. His fastball ranged from 69-73 mph with good feel for the strike zone. Throws a slurve at 59-62 mph with 10-4 shape, and a sinking changeup at 57-61 mph. As a two-way player, the right-handed hitter starts from a balanced setup, working into a slightly crouched stance with a short toe-tap stride. Currently a contact approach, Matamoros hit line drives in the middle to opposite side of the field during batting practice. At shortstop, the freshman has soft hands from a fundamental fielding position, gathering the ball with rhythm to the mid-line of his body. He throws accurately across the diamond at 70 mph. Matamoros ran a 7.72 60-yard dash.



Dylan Pettit RHP / 3B / Round Rock, TX / 2020

5-foot-9, 150-pound, still developing frame. The right-hander works from a ¾ slot with a long arm stroke that works well from back to front with a drop and drive delivery. His fastball has heavy run and sink at 74-76 mph as he turns the ball over at release. He throws a 10-4 shaped breaking ball at 63-65 mph with a feel for spin. His changeup flashes depth at 69 mph. A two-way player and right-handed hitter, Pettit starts from an open stance, using a limited load and longer stride, with an inside-out, opposite field approach. At shortstop, Pettit has a clean exchange into a longer throwing motion at 67 mph across the diamond with accuracy. He ran a 7.41 60-yard dash.



Mason Wargo RHP / OF / Cy-Fair, TX / 2019

At 6-foot-3, 170-pounds, Wargo has an impressive, projectable, long-limbed frame that has not yet filled out because of a recent growth spurt. The right-hander works from a high slot with a long arm stroke and simple delivery and slight head-tilt. His fastball was 75-77 mph. He throws a 12-6 curveball that backed up on him at 61-62 mph, and has a good 71-73 mph split-finger fastball. As he continues to develop into his already large frame look for Wargo to make jumps in velocity and sharpness on his breaking ball.




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