Prep Baseball Report

California State Games: Trackman Pitching

PBR California Staff

FULLERTON, CALIF. - Top talent in California gathered at Fullerton College to compete in PBR California’s State Games. ID events took place in Northern and Southern California with the purpose of representing each area at the State Games. Through these ID events, 8 teams were assembled with players ranging from the class of ’28 to ’24, committed and uncommitted alike. Be sure to check PBR California social media’s for in-event and post-event content. 


Prep Baseball Report events across the country have been powered by TrackMan’s industry-leading Portable system to capture pinpoint accurate, actionable data from player performances. Prep Baseball Report and Trackman are dedicated to recognizing talent and unleashing their potential.

All pitchers had a chance to throw in game while being monitored through our portable Trackman unit. Each player threw all their pitches where we were able to collect key ball flight metrics such as release velocity, spin rate, vertical & horizontal movement and much more.   

PBR was able to collect data on many uncommitted players around the states that is sharable with coaches & scouts as well as help players identify areas of development for the future.

[For a complete glossary of terms and definitions, CLICK HERE]

Max Fastball Velocity

The maximum velocity of the pitch measured right at release.

Max Fastball Spin Rate

The max amount of revolutions per minute (rpm) of a pitch. For fastballs, a higher rpm causes the ball to drop less due to gravity, this gives the illusion of a rising pitch.

Max Curveball Velocity

Like many things in baseball, the faster the better. A fast off-speed pitch while maintaining traditional movement patterns makes the pitch harder to hit. The measured velocity for this metric is right as the pitch leaves the hand.

Max Curveball Spin Rate

The spin rate for a curveball tends to be the highest among all the pitches in a pitcher's arsenal. A higher spin rate, measured in rpms, on a curveball generally means more downward movement when combined with the top spin of the pitch.

Max Slider Velocity

Sliders generally are faster than most other off-speed pitches with less overall movement. This metric measures the speed of the slider when it comes out of the hand.

Max Slider Spin Rate

The higher the spin rate for a horizontal pitch like the slider means that it will have more movement from right to left for a right handed pitcher. This metric measures the maximum spin rate of a pitcher's slider in rpms.

Max Changeup Velocity

This metric determines the speed of a changeup as it is released from the pitcher's hand.

Max Changeup Spin Rate

This metric shows how fast the ball is spinning during the pitch, measured by rpms.