Prep Baseball Report

Bentley Happy To Play Down South At Virginia Tech

Bruce Hefflinger
PBR New England Senior Writer

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Bentley Happy To Play Down South At Virginia Tech

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Bentley Happy To Play Down South At Virginia Tech

HOPKINTON, Ma. - Virginia Tech found a lot to like about Carter Bentley.

“The fact that I’m an athlete and play multiple positions,” Bentley said about what impressed the baseball coaches at Va Tech about him. “I’m fast and throw the ball hard. I have all the base tools to play Division I. They also like how I interacted with all the players at the camp.”

The camp invite came after making an impression at the PBR Future Games in Georgia in August, the second place the top-ranked 2025 in New England was seen in person by Virginia Tech.

“One of my assistant coaches, Henry Weycker, played at Virginia Tech and he got me in contact with them,” Bentley reflected. “I sent them film and they were interested. I went to a camp at Dean College Field in Franklin and they were there and asked if I’d be at the Future Games. The head coach (John Szefc) was at the Future Games and that was the first time he watched me. That was really fun there, seeing all those coaches there with all eyes on you.”

Interest from the Atlantic Coast Conference program at the PBR event in Lake Pointe led to the camp visit in late August and an offer came later.

“I went to the camp in August and they really liked me,” Bentley related. “A few weeks passed before they offered me in the middle of fall ball. I got on a call with the head coach and they gave me an offer. I accepted on the spot.”

Connecticut, Northeastern, Boston College, Maryland and West Virginia were among the others that had courted The Rivers School sophomore before Virginia Tech became the school of choice by Bentley.

“When I got there I immediately felt wanted by all the coaches,” related the 32nd-rated 2025 outfielder in the nation, who was born in Dallas before moving to Massachusetts at the age of six. “I’m from the south so I always wanted to go to a southern school.”

The opportunity at being a potential two-way player as a center fielder and closer was also meaningful in helping Bentley decide on Virginia Tech.

“It depends on how my arm holds up and if I can continue to progress with velocity on the mound,” the 197th-ranked sophomore in the country said.

The decision to reclassify this year was also helpful in some regard, according to Bentley.

“I wanted to switch schools and it’s hard to get into Rivers as a junior so I decided to repeat as a sophomore,” Bentley explained. “It really didn’t have a big effect on my recruiting process being a 24 or 25, it was similar. I don’t think colleges cared, but obviously there are advantages. I don’t think I was getting the looks as much as a 24.

“What helped was I grew into my body and after that I saw my metrics rise and I started getting calls,” the 6-2 190-pounder continued. “After that I reclassified and, while it kind of hindered things at first with school having more time to make an offer, I had a chance to go to the Future Games as a 25 and was able to show coaches what I could do.”

Recent improvement became evident for coaches to see in the eyes of Bentley.

“My improvement has been great from when I was 13 or 14 until now at 17,” Bentley said. “I’ve improved most on my hitting. It was subpar at best before, but I worked all offseason and it’s really gotten better. My arm also developed as I lifted weights. I feel with the weight room and my improved hitting, I’ve really evolved.”

The 17-year-old is confident about what he can provide the ACC program located in Blacksburg, Va., more than 10 hours from his home in Massachusetts.

“I’ll bring my work ethic,” Bentley explained. “I’ll come in day in and day out and be the best version of myself I can be, trying to beat everybody out. All I care about is winning and will do whatever it takes to win.”

There is more on the table for Bentley, who credited his parents along with coaches Gerry Carol and Dan Sullivan with playing major roles in becoming the player and person he is today.

“After Virginia Tech I want to get drafted,” Bentley said. “I have bigger goals beyond Virginia Tech, I have big aspirations.”

But for now, Bentley has a feeling of relief with the recruiting process at an end.

“I feel blessed, all the weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can have fun again,” Bentley pointed out. “It was very stressful. It makes you think about your own abilities. Now I can focus on myself instead of going to all these camps.”

A 3.5 student, Bentley is considering a major in business as he looks ahead toward his days at Virginia Tech.

“I’m looking forward to the competition and all of the bonds I’m going to create,” Bentley concluded.

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