Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Insider: Sam Barlow's River Hamilton

Philip Roe
Associate Scout

Prep Baseball: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? What were you looking for out of a college program to continue your baseball career at?

Hamilton: First of all, I wasn’t very educated in the recruiting process before my commitment like most. It came very quickly for me so not knowing much about it I didn’t really have any expectations. At the time, I didn’t even think that was an option for me yet it ended up going very quickly. What I was looking for in a college program was to be somewhere I knew winning was familiar and Oregon State has a past of winning so that definitely sparked my interest.

PB: When did the recruiting process really start to heat up for you? Where did the school you committed to first see you play?

H: Like I said before it came really fast. I had signed up for a showcase and it was my first time doing one. I wasn't sure what to expect then but then I got invited to a bigger event and my coach of the team I played for in that showcase played at the University of Oregon. After I had my start on the bump, he called the Oregon head coach and after that tournament, I started getting calls from Oregon and Oregon State so that’s when it reheated up for me. That tournament was also the first time Oregon State had seen me play in person.

PB: What are you most looking forward to when it comes to playing college baseball?

H: I would say absolutely the competitive atmosphere every game and just competing as a whole team of players all wanting the same thing in to win. win. 

PB: In your opinion who is the best player you have faced in the state? What about them makes for a tough opponent?

H: Last summer I faced Maddox Molony and what made him tough was he was able to get barrel on my pitches consistently.

PB: At what point in your career did you realize you were a college-caliber player and became serious about taking your game to the next level?

H: Once I started getting calls from college that is kinda when I realized that playing baseball at a higher level was possible for me and as time went on after I just kept seeing improvement with my velo and size and from then on I've taken my game seriously still for improvement.

PB: What advice would you give to young baseball players striving to get where you are?

H: Lose the excuses and become mentally strong. If you don’t have a good mentality your skill alone can only take you so far. And any excuses you tell yourself or others only prevent you from growing.

PB: What is the most memorable moment in your baseball career to this point?

H: Just recently my high school won our conference and that was the first time Barlow has done that since 2001 so that was a special moment and something I will always remember.

PB: Any game day superstitions or routines? 

H: On bump days I would always listen to Dominican music, not sure how it started but I’ve kept that going for some time.

PB: Give us a quick preview of what to expect from your HS team next season. How do you feel your team will be in 2025?

H: I think our team will only improve more this next season, we have achieved more in the past 2 years than we have in some time, so there is only more to come with this Barlow team next year.