Prep Baseball Report

Super 60 Spotlight: Christian Lothes

Nathan Rode
National Supervisor

Scouting Report


The No. 35 ranked player in the state’s 2019 class turned in his most impressive outing to date. Lothes sat 84-88 mph, with the majority of his fastballs coming in at 86-87 mph. Arm is compact/clean with obvious strength and arm speed. Slider was as sharp as we’ve seen it, showing present swing and miss capabilities.


A talented left-handed arm in the 2019 class. Arm action is clean with obvious arm speed. A strike thrower that fills up the zone with both offerings. Works through a near over the top slot, sitting 81-84 mph with his fastball. Spins a sharp, 1/7 shaped breaking ball at 66-71 mph.  The pitch has good depth as well and used shaped the ability to freeze lefties or back door righties.

Few have improved their stock over the winter as much as Lothes. The southpaw continues to show impressive secondary stuff to go along with his mid 80s fastball. All physical signs point to velocity continuing to rise as he matures. Spins a sharp 1/7 breaking ball that had some depth to it at 64-68 mph. Also flashed a very impressive changeup that had solid depth and fade to it. At this stage he is one of the top southpaws in the 2019 class the state has to offer. In the outfield he moves athletically and plays with confidence. Needs to make sure he doesn’t cross the line from aggressive to out of control at times. Showed off a plus arm to home plate with accuracy. Hits from the right-side, starting slightly open. Hands stay simple during his leg kick load and controlled stride. A back leg hitter that takes an uphill path to the ball. Bat has some quickness to it. Consistently found the barrel in batting practice and was at his best to the middle of the field.

Home to first: 4.53
Outfield Velocity: 88
Exit Velocity: 78

Positioning himself as one of the top 2019 southpaws. 6-foot-2, 172-pound prospect with long, athletic frame. Shows quickness in his arm from a ¾ arm slot. Regular effort to his delivery. Fastball sat in the low 80’s with natural cutting action. Needs to develop a consistent second pitch. His breaking typically showed some spin at 66-67 mph, but didn’t have effect break on this occasion. Also mixed in a 73-75 mph changeup that had similar cutting action to his fastball. Also threw 88 mph from the outfield. 

A definite arm to follow in the 2019 class. The southpaw has a slower tempo to his low effort delivery. Arm action is clean with well above average arm speed. Fastball sat 81-84 mph, touching 86 mph multiple times. Both of his secondary pitches are solid offerings. Breaking ball showed good depth and sharpness on an 1/7 plane at 68-71 mph.. Was able to maintain fastball arm speed and consistently be in the zone with his 72-74 mph.  In the outfield he gets to the ball in a timely fashion. Gets excellent uses out of his crow hop and showed well above average arm strength to home plate. Throws were consistently on the bag with carry.  A right-handed hitter that starts in a balanced setup. Shifts weight to back leg during his leg kick load. Hands move to launch before taking an uphill path to the ball. Has the tools to hit. More weight transfer into contact would let his natural tools show more often in his swing. Ball came off his bat well when he found the barrel.

60-yard dash: 7.06
Exit Velocity: 73
Outfield Velocity: 90

A southpaw with a projectable frame. Showed smooth tempo to his delivery he was able to repeat. Does a nice job generating momentum with his lower half towards home plate. Clean arm action with above average arm speed. Working through his near over the top slot he sat 79-82 mph with his fastball and ran it up to 85 mph. Also dropped down to a sidearm slot for a few fastballs. His 1/7 breaking ball was sharp and had good depth. Also showed feel for a changeup. With his clean arm action and frame more velocity to come with maturity. In the outfield he showed fluid footwork approaching the baseball. Fields in the middle of his body to ensure ball security. Needs to play through the ball more efficiently. A lefty swinger that starts in a crouched setup prior to his leg kick load and short stride. Hands stay simple and swing is compact. Path is uphill and he was at his best when he worked to the right side of the field.

60: 7.17
Exit Velocity: 71
Outfield Velocity: 86