Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Spotlight: 2022 RHP/OF Xander Payne (Medina)

Joe Walentin
Operations / Scouting

Scouting Report



Physical: Athletic, lengthy 5-foot-10, 170lb frame able to create some power output in the movements. 7.42 runner in the 60-yard dash.

Offensively: RHH - Balanced, slightly bent stance as the hands operated calmly slotted by the head to start. Utilized a short toe-tap stride to initiate a direct, twitchy swing through a flat path into the hitting zone. Able to extend on the baseball at the front of the plate, creating leverage through a mostly fly ball approach during batting practice (55% fly ball rate via Trackman). Showcased good bat-speed producing doubles power to the pull-side gap up to 313 feet batted ball distance. Notched a T86 mph bat-exit velocity and the ability to properly sequence down the chain at the plate.

 Defensively: The outfielder played with pace, staying behind the ball and using the glove hand out in front to corral the ball off the left side. Chest stayed down over the toes, funneling softly into the beltline. Released from a H ¾, full arm circle with carry to the plate up to T88 mph from his position (right field projection). 

Pitching: RHP - The righty started off the far left side of the rubber with gradual pace to the delivery; exploded down the slope after a balanced stack with a significant drop/drive creating quick, connected momentum into footstrike. The upper half separated allowing the arm to work with tempo through a H ¾ slot. The FB ranged from 84-86, T88 mph at 2189rpms and a 50% zone rate. Turned to a swing/miss 68-70 mph CB with hard-sweeping shape across the plate (20 inches HM via Trackman) and added a good, fading 71-73 mph CH that varied command at times.





Pitching: Short side step with a high leg lift, gets into back side as glides down and out, efficient lower half with the body in sync at foot strike, accelerates through release against a strong post leg; Long, fluid arm action through a clean 3/4 release. FB: Throws a heavy ball with arm side run up to 16". CB: Early break out of the hand with 10-4 shape and up to 18" horizontal break and 7.8" vertical drop. SL: Similar shape to CB: good hand speed with tighter, late break; up to 11.8" horizontal movement and -8.5" vertical drop. CH: Good feel for it at near FB arm speed and up to 18.5" arm side fade. 




Physical: Strong, athletic 5-foot-10, 170-pound frame with comfortability in the movements in all phases; 7.62 runner in the 60-yard dash. 

Offensively: RHH. The righty started from a bent, balanced stance with the hands starting with slight rhythm off the shoulder; utilized a short toe tap stride to initiate the bat head through a flat path with tight turns into the hitting zone; Could manipulate the barrel based on pitch location yielding adjustability and an easy 67% line drive rate during batting practice, spraying each gap with hard contact. Recorded a peak bat-exit velocity of 88 mph per Trackman Baseball and there’s still room for more; a 321 foot peak batted ball distance speaks to present extra base hit power at the moment. 

Defensively: The outfielder demonstrated athletic actions in space with confident reads off the bat, played downhill through the baseball giving way to a loose, strong 88 mph outfield arm with carry towards the target. Easy projectability at either corner outfield position, though he most likely fits better in right with the plus arm. 




Physical: 5-foot-10, 155 pounds; lanky, athletic frame. 7.08 runner in the 60.
Offensively: RHH. Very bent knees with wide feet, works the hands up near the ear; works a small toe tap paired with a long stride forward, keeps the hands tight to his body. Turns the hips well, moves the lower half well all together with fairly level barrel path, turns early and stays on the plate for a while. Shot the ball all over the field with ease, displayed good bat to ball skills; peak Trackman exit velocity of 86 MPH.
Defensively: Upright stance with narrow feet, works his feet into his position; Tracked the ball well, making good reads on sinking line drives to gain momentum. Easy hands with a clean transfer to throw; Long, loose arm action that speeds up the more downhill he gets. OF - 86 MPH.
Pitching: Fast tempo to the delivery, succinct movements and a firm front side allow him to launch in an athletic position. Long, loose action with some recoil at the end of his throws. FB: Peak velo of 83 MPH, while sitting 79-81 MPH. Throws a FB with exceptional spin for his velo, could indicate a slight jump in velo in the future. CB: 61-63 MPH. CB offers a good change in speed to effectively keep hitters on their front foot. CH: 67-69 MPH. Throws the CH with similar arm speed to his FB giving it added deceptiveness. 




Physical: 5-foot-10, 155 pounds; lean, athletic build. 7.45 runner in the 60.
Offensively: RHH. Athletic, wide base with bent knees and a slightly open front foot; uses a small toe tap and stride for timing. Aggressive, generates loft with an uphill swing plane.  Lots of balls in the air due to swing path, hard pull side contact; peak Trackman exit velocity of 86 MPH.
Defensively: Starts upright; Controlled footwork on approach. Fields the ball in front of his glove foot, clean transfer; short arm swing, 3/4 arm slot.   OF - 87 MPH.
Pitching: Sets up offset on the first base side of the rubber, quick through his delivery coming set at his chest along with a big leg kick and long stride out towards the plate. Quick, whippy arm action out of a high 3/4 arm slot. FB: T 84MPH, 81-84 MPH. Some arm side run with life through the zone. CB: 60-63 MPH. 11-5 shape with big break, solid depth. CH:  MPH. Maintains arm speed with late fading action.




Physical: 5-foot-9, 140-pounds. Lean, athletic build.
Run: 7.85 runner in the 60.
Hit: RHH. Tall, upright, balanced stance, even base, simple setup, hands slightly above shoulders with a level bat, uses a toe tap and small stride for timing Short, direct barrel path, hands clear the zone quickly, good use of lower half in swing, finishes on an uphill plane.
Power: 79 MPH raw exit velocity. Consistent hard contact to pull side.
Defense: Starts low and works around the ball to field it on his glove foot, gets rid of the ball quickly with a shuffle to release.
Arm: Medium arm swing with a 3/4 arm slot.  OF - 81 MPH.

Pitching Delivery: Builds momentum with a high leg kick, sits into back leg before striding out in line and finishing with a repeatable follow through on a firm front side .
Arm Action: Long, loose arm action to a 3/4 release.
FB: T80, 77-80 MPH. Commands with natural tail.
CB: 62-65 MPH. 11-5 shape with big break.

CH: 65-68 MPH. Good hand speed with late fade.




Demonstrated flexibility in a lean, athletic 5-foot-8, 140-pound projectable frame with room to add strength in the future. The primary right-handed pitcher sat 77-79 mph from a whippy, high ¾ arm-slot with strong hip drive towards the plate. Showcased feel for a slow 57-60 mph curveball that displayed sweeping action across the zone. The right-handed hitter starts with a balanced, open stance utilizing a toe-tap to initiate his swing. Generated some barrel whip through a flat bat-path upon contact, registering a 77 mph bat-exit velocity during batting practice. Showed feel for his hands and a fluid lower half with a high, violent finish through the baseball. The outfielder showcased athletic, fluid actions during defensive evaluations with feet that arrived on time and played through a strong lower half. Adequate reads and a quick first step with a low center of gravity allowed for advantageous routes to the baseball. Recorded an accurate 75 mph arm-strength from his position. 




Small wiry frame at 5-foot-5, 118-pounds, fluid pace to his delivery, belt high knee lift. Arm-action is fluid and clean in the back, comes out of a ¾ slot at 69-73 with natural run to the arm-side, CB 55-57 with 12/6 shape. OF – Attacks the ball aggressively, head on, back clean arm-action, fast transfer with accuracy to the bag 71 mph arm-strength. Offensively – Open stance that closes off to the pitcher after forward stride. Level swing with barrel path that stays behind the ball. Sprayed hard contact to all parts of the field, exit velocity of 74 with signs of more in the tank once he develops physically.



Payne has major potential with some physical maturing to do. He is only 5-feet 7-inches, but uses his whole body when delivering to the plate. He brings a ¾ arm slot action, and is showing a FB w/ ASR: 69-73 mph, a 10 to 3 breaking CB: 57-59 mph and an accurate KNB: 59-61 mph. Also at the plate, Payne is very compact and quick through the zone. Level bat and turns his hips well.