Prep Baseball Report

Rankings Spotlight: Simon Brutskiy

Zach Boraski
North Carolina Assistant Scouting Director

Rankings Spotlight: Simon Brutskiy

Scouting Report


Simon Brutskiy, Apex High (NC), 2027
Positional Profile: RHP/3B Spin is special and should allow him to attack hitters with an out pitch at this level and the next.
Body: 5-10, 169-pounds. Strength present in a mature frame. Straight line build
Delivery: 1B side. Small side step and easy turn. Slow rhythm with a kick out and up to the mid chest. Loose hips. Slightly closed through balance with level shoulders. Sinks into the back leg, with a small swing to an on-line and square foot-strike. Balanced with a full rotation from the backside through the release
Arm Action: RH. Long arm. Slow action out of the glove, building as the arm hits the bottom of the arc. Over-the-top slot. Works with intent. Good arm speed. Strong arm.
FB: T86, 85-86 mph. Works for ride. Should be able to pitch elevated at times. Better feel for up down than in and out. T2335, 2181 average rpm.
CB: 72-74 mph. Out pitch. Hard top to bottom action that mimics the elevated fastball out of the hand. Explosive downer action as it enters the hitter's decision zone. T3226, 3120 average rpm.
CH: 80-83 mph. 3rd pitch. Solid feel. T1964, 1939 average rpm.