Freshman Free Showcase Analysis: Part 2
August 22, 2017
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By John Nolan
Virginia Assistant Director and Content Manager
On Wednesday July 26, PBR VA/DC hosted a Freshman Free Showcase at Patriot High School in Northern Virginia. Players from three states and the classes of 2021 and 2022 showcased in front of the PBR VA/DC staff at the event and had their videos and stats taken. Here is the second part of our analysis of the event.
Jackson Gimbel RHP/2B 2021 Highland
Gimbel is 5-10 and has an athletic frame, he hits from the right side from an open athletic stance. Short leg kick stride on line, smooth load back to a slight bar, some hip explosion and some balance to swing. Works slightly uphill, quick to ball, has barrel awareness, good approach working gap to gap, exit velocity was 80. At short, gets behind ball and fields with a good base, average hands. Plays through ball, throws from lower three-quarters arm slot, infield velocity was 72. On the mound, throws from a three-quarters arm slot, long free arm action, normal effort. Shoulders level and slightly closed, lands slightly closed with a slight fall off finish. Fastball was 73-75 with some angle and late life. Curveball was 61-65 with gradual 12/6 break and some arm speed. Change-up was 61-64 with some fade.
Nick Mastrogianakis 2B 2021 Poquoson
Mastrogianakis is 5-5 with an athletic frame, he hits from the right side from an athletic stance. Short stride on line, smooth load down and back. Explosive lower half and some balance to swing. Short to ball, flat path that finishes uphill, prefers pull but showed good approach using whole field during round, exit velocity was 75. At short, got behind the ball well and fielded with average hands. Throws from a sidearm slot, short arm action and infield velocity was 62.
Garrett Pancione C 2021 Highland
Pancione is 5-8 with an athletic frame, he hits from the right side from a slightly open athletic stance. Short stride on line, smooth load back, some rhythm to swing. Explosive lower half and some balance to swing. Quick bat, level line drive swing with extension through the ball. Showed good approach using middle of the field, exit velocity was 76. Behind the plate, gains ground on exchange. Clean exchange, throws from high three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action, pop times 2.18-2.26 with position velocity was 69. Showed some accuracy on throws. Some sway behind plate when receiving.
Nicholas Sober C 2021 Prince George
Sober is 5-6 with an athletic frame, he hits from the left side from an open upright stance. Short leg kick stride on line, slight load back. Lower half explodes, some balance to swing. Short to ball, quick uphill swing, pull preference, exit velocity was 75. Behind the plate, gains ground on his exchange, throws from high three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action. Pop times were 2.20-2.29 and position velocity was 67, showed some accuracy to throws.
Coleson Titus C 2021 Jefferson (WV)
Titus is 5-6 with an athletic frame and a strong lower half. He hits from the right side from a balanced athletic stance with a wider base. Keeps toe on ground during stride, short load, has rhythm to swing. Explosive lower half and good balance to swing. Short and quick to ball, works slightly uphill, worked the middle of the field, exit velocity was 73. Behind the plate, quick clean exchange, gains ground towards second base. Threw from a high three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action, pop times were 2.15-2.28, position velocity was 68.
Seth Tootle 2B/RHP 2021 Colonial Forge
Tootle is 5-6 with an athletic frame, he hits from the right side from an athletic open stance. Explosive lower half and some balance to swing. Fast bat, very quick to ball, level line drive swing, showed good approach working gap to gap, exit velocity was 73. At short, quick feet, fields with a good base, above average hands. Works through the ball, clean exchange, throws from low three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action, infield velocity was 69. On the mound, throws from a lower three-quarters arm slot, drop and drive delivery with a longer free arm action and some effort. Shoulders level and closed, lands closed, athletic finish with recoil. Fastball was 70-71 with boring action. Curveball was 61-63 with some armspeed and hard 12/6 break.