Prep Baseball Report

MD 2018 Rankings Insider: 60-69


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By Jerry Shank
MD/VA Scouting Director

We take a look into our rankings with a break down of the class. Our player rankings are based on all the players we have had the opportunity to see whether it has been one of our own events, or games/events that we cover over the spring/summer/fall.

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MD 2018 Rankings Breakdown: 60-69

Scouting Report

11.5.16 - Athletic frame at 6-foot-1, 170-pounds. Ran a 7.56 60-yard dash. Hits from a slightly open setup. Short load to hitting position with slight pause. Direct path to the baseball with some extension through contact. Exit velocity of 82 mph. Pop times ranged from 2.00 - 2.13. Quick feet and exchange. Short arm action with accurate throws from behind the plate.

Holiday is a 6-foot, 165-pound C/OF from Red Lion Christian Academy. He hit .296 with five doubles and led his team in RBI with 19 as a freshman.

Scouting Report

6.21.16 - Compact frame at 5-foot-8, 150-pounds. Hits from a slighlty open, athletic set up at the plate. Smooth load with double tap to hit. Level swing path that can elevate the baseball. Shows quick hands at the plate and should develop some power as he gains strength. Quiet receiver behind the plate with soft hand, nice body control, with a clean and quick exchange. Short arm action with a pop time as low as 1.99…build up delivery with quick tempo. Little corkscrew In delivery. Shorter, quick arm action throwing from high ¾ slot. Lands athletic square to the plate. Fastball has late sink to the pitch at 81 mph. Breaking ball nice depth on the pitch with 10/4 movement. Change up has slight fade to the pitch.

2.21.16 - Lanky frame with room to fill out at 5-foot-8, 145-pounds. Ran a 7.58 60-yard dash. Hits from an open setup. Short load to hitting position.  Nice rhythm throughout swing. Level swing path with quick hands and some bat speed.  Gets some extension through contact. Gets lower half usage and shows balance. Exit velocity of 78 mph. Receives from an athletic low base, slightly open. Clean footwork and exchange on throws to second. Short arm action throwing from a high ¾ arm slot. Active feet. Throws have some carry on them at 74 mph. Pop time as low as 2.06...Quicker tempo delivery. Shorter arm action with some arm speed. Throws from a high ¾ arm angle, almost over the top. Nice rhythm and gets some lower half involvement. Pitches with regular effort. Land square to the play in athletic finish. Fastball has slight sink to the pitch at 82 mph. Changeup has fade to the pitch with near fastball arm speed at 68 mph. Breaking ball has near fastball arm speed with 11/5 shape and tight rotation at 66 mph.

8.11.15 - Compact frame at 5-foot-8 140-pounds. Throws from a high ¾ arm angle with a sound arm action and quick arm speed. Quicker tempo in delivery and pitches with some effort. In line to the plate with a square finish. Fastball has slight run to the pitch at 81 mph. Breaking ball has 11/5 action with tight rotation and potential to be a power pitch at 64 mph. Changeup has near fastball arm speed with sink at 71 mph.   Hits from an athletic, open stance with quick load to balance. Shows nice balance throughout his swing. Short path to the ball with quick bat speed. Gets some extension through contact. Good balance throughout his swing. Exit velocity of 83 mph. Quiet receiver behind the plate with soft hands. Good body control and athleticism. Quick feet with a clean exchange.  Short arm action throwing from a high ¾ arm angle. Falls slightly to the side on throws. Throws had some carry on them at 73 mph. Pop time got down to 2.03.

2.21.15 - Tyler Shockley is a 5-foot-8 135-pound RHP/C/INF.  He was athletic behind the plate with quick feet and short arm action with a catcher velocity of 75 mph that translated to a 2.09 pop time.  Defensively he had a loose arm action from the ¾ arm slot with carry on his throws at 73 mph velocity.  Offensively he hit from a balanced and athletic setup with a slight arm-bar in his load, but showed good hand speed and was quick to the baseball with good extension. His exit velocity was at 83 mph and he ran a 7.44 60 yard dash. On the mound, Shockly threw a heavy ball from a loose, ¾ arm slot. He hid the ball well with good arm speed and pitched at 81 mph.  He showed a good slider with late action that shows potential to be a power slider.  His changeup had fastball arm action and good sink to the pitch.  Shockley shows to be a potential high prospect coming out of the 2018 class.

Scouting Report

11.5.16 - Strong projectable frame at 6-foot-2, 205-pounds. Ran a 7.51 60-yard dash with a 1.84 10-yard split. Hits from a taller athletic setup at the plate. Smooth quick load with some rhythm throughout. Short path to the ball with fast bat speed. Barrelled ball well and showed some extension through contact. Works thru ball well in the outfield. Could keep momentum working in throws. Throws from an over the top angle. Throws have some carry on them and were accurate at 80 mph.

6.21.16 - Simple load to hitting position. Short swing path and gets uphill at times. Nice rhythm at plate with smooth load. Gets some lower half. Shows some power potential at plate and got exit velocity up to 90 mph. Active feet in the outfield. Clean hands and exchange. Could quicken release. Sound arm action throwing from a high ¾ slot. Interesting 2018 to keep an eye on. 

6.1.16 - Strong frame at 6-foot-2, 205-pounds. Ran a 7.32 60-yard dash. Hits from a square, athletic set up. Smooth load with good rhythm throughout swing. Level path to the ball and uphill through contact. Gets good use of lower half. Shows some power potential. Exit velo of 90 mph. Clean exchange into release on throws. Has a compact arm action from a high ¾ slot. Throws had some carry at 79 mph. That should increase with move lower half used in throws.

Scouting Report

8.4.16 - is another interesting catch and throw prospect for team Mid-Atlantic. Hits from a balanced set up. Has a level swing path with some bat speed at plate. Feet gets him into some trouble at the plate at times. Exit velocity of 88 mph. Quick clean exchange behind the plate. Gets rid of ball quickly from behind and throws had some carry at 76 mph. Pop time got as low as 2.01.

6.21.16 - Lanky athletic frame at 6-foot-2, 175-pounds. Very projectable catch and throw prospect that could rise up the rankings as he continues to develop offensively. Hits from a square athletic setup. bigger leg kick that pushes back a bit to hitting position. Has a level swing path that is quick to the ball. Does get some extension. Shows some balance in swing and could get more lower half involvement. Quiet receiver, soft hands. Higher set up throwing. Extremely fast exchange and release on throws. Ball has carry on his tosses and life up to 79 mph. Pop time has been as low as under 1.9.  

2.21.16 - Athletic projectable frame at 6-foot-2, 180-pounds. Ran a 7.57 60-yard dash. Hits from a slightly open set up with short load and stride to hitting position. Level path to the ball with some extension. Pull style hitter with potential for more gap-to-gap. Gets on back foot slightly through finish. Exit velocity of 77 mph. Receives with close feet set up. Sticks ball well. Higher back end in throwing stance. Sound footwork and quick change to throwing position. Short arm action throwing from almost over-the-top angle. Throws have nice carry on them at 78 mph.  Accurate throws on pops. Pop time got as low at 1.87.

10.11.15 - Athletic lanky frame at 6-foot-2 167-pounds. Runs a 7.50 60-yard dash. Hits from an athletic set up. Short leg kick with small load. Has level swing path with some bat speed. Pull type hitter with gap-to-gap potential.  Gets on back leg through swing. Nice balance throughout swing. Exit velocity of 84 mph. Has quick feet and exchange out of the crouch. Quick jump turn and short arm action throwing from and almost over-the-top arm slot. Pop times got as low as 1.97 and ranged to 2.03. 72 mph position velocity. Good hip control and quick from behind.

8.11.15 - Athletic and projectable frame at 6-foot-2, 165-pounds.  Hits from a crouched, slightly open stance.  Short stride to balance. Short path to the ball with average bat speed.  Gets some lower half usage.  Exit velocity of 77 mph.  Behind the plate shows quick feet with a quick and clean exchange behind the plate.  Get good direction with footwork. Has a short arm action throwing from an almost over-the-top angle.  Throws had average carry on them at 70 mph.  Pop times ranged from 2.02 to 2.10. Ran a 7.50 60-yard dash.

Scouting Report

8/19/16 Mount Pleasant (DE) two-way prospect flashed solid table-setting skills, drawing four walks and scoring four runs on the weekend. The 5-foot-9, 150-pound left-handed hitter ran a 7.28 60-yard dash and flashed 88 mph arm strength from the outfield. The southpaw also flashed ability on the mound sitting 76-77 from a high 3/4 arm slot.

6/29/16 5-foot-9, 150-pound left-handed hitter. Starts from a slightly open stance and strides slightly closed. Repeats his swing, has good bat speed, and showed an ability to consistently barrel the baseball during his BP round. Ran a 7.01 60-yard dash; posted 82 mph exit velocity and 89 mph arm strength with some skip from the outfield. On the mound, he incorporates a big sideways rocker into a rhythmic delivery and pitches out of a high three-quarter slot. Fastball sat 77-79, while curveball at 67-69 flashed solid three-quarter tilt, and he also showcased a split-grip change-up at 70-71 that he tended to bury.

2.27.16 - Lanky frame with room to grow at 5-foot-9, 145-pounds. Hits from an athletic set up. Smooth load to hitting position. Level swing path with some bat speed. Pull type hitter. Direct to the ball. Shows balance throughout swing and gets a bit on backside through finish. Exit velocity of 79 mph and ran a 4.21 home to first. Clean hands and exchange from the outfield. Works thru the ball well and creates good momentum in throws. Loose arm action throwing from a high ¾ arm angle. Throws have carry on them at 85 mph…Controlled delivery on the mound. Long arm action with slight pause after break. Creates some arm speed throwing from a high ¾ arm angle. Pitches with regular effort. Finishes square to the plate. Some lower half usage and could get more. Fastball has slight run to the pitch up to 78 mph.  Breaking ball has 1/7 shape with early break at 64 mph and near fastball arm speed. Changeup have fade to the pitch with near fastball arm speed at 65 mph. Interesting prospect in the 2018 class and one to keep an eye on.

Scouting Report

5.31.16 - Athletic frame at 5-foot-11, 165-pounds. Ran a 7.19 60-yard dash. HIts from a balanced set up. Short quick load to hitting position. Shorter swing path to the ball with some extension through contact. Shows rhythm and has nice lower half involvement. Spun at times, but solid rounds of BP during event. Sound actions with quick exchange and release from the infield. Short arm action throwing from a high three-quarter arm slot. Quick arm action with 82 mph velocity across the diamond.

Scouting Report

9.11.16:  Gilliam has an athletic 6-1 frame with good speed, running a 6.65 60 yard dash and a 4.05 home to first time. Hits from the right side from an open, upright stance. Slight load back with a short leg kick stride. Good rhythm to his swing, decent lower half with good balance throughout swing. Shorter path with some extension through the ball and above-average batspeed, line drive swing with an exit velocity of 87, generates easy power. At shortstop, decent footwork and above-average hands with good rhythm. Three-quarters arm slot with a loose, quick arm, infield velocity of 79. Quick release and plays through the ball well. In the outfield, throws from a high three-quarters arm slot with a clean release velocity of 80. Good routes and plays through the ball well.

Scouting Report

11.5.16 - Strong projctable frame at 6-foot, 190-pounds. Ran a 7.26 60-yard dash with a 1.84 10-yard split. Hits from an athletic slightly open set up. Higherleg kick with seight shift in load. Direct swing path with some lift in swing and good extension through contact. Should devleop some power at the plate with gap-to-gap ability. Exit velocity of 82 mph. Clean actions in the infield. Sound footwork, could stay on balls of feet a bit more. Clean exchange, good hands, like to see some catch and release. Short arm action from three-quarter angle. Infield velocity of 80 mph. Very intriguing prospect that shows some future versatility at a couple positions down the road...Compact, quick, build up delivery. Breaks down into shorter quick arm action throwing from three quarter slot. Quiet lower half pitching with light effort. Arm is quick through the zone. Nice backside drive through finish. FB up to 82 mph with slight run on the pitch occasional sink. Breaking ball ranged from 65-68 mph has almost 12/6 action and tight rotation with later break.. Change ranged from 70-71 mph with good arm speed on the pitch with div on the pitch at end.

7.6.16 - Athletic frame at 6-foot, 190-pounds. Hits from a balanced set up, short load, and with swing path to the ball. Gets slightly on the back foot in swing but shows nice extension through contact. Simple swing with rhythm throughout and nice balance. Sprays ball over and shows some pop with 88 mph exit velocity. Active feet and sound actions in the infield. Clean hands and exchange with short arm action throwing from a ¾ arm slot. One to keep an eye on in the 2018 class. 

Scouting Report

11.5.16 - Strong frame at 6-foot-1, 200-pounds. Ran a 7.37 60-yard dash with a 1.83 10-yard split. Hits from an athletic setup. Short quick and quiet load. Level swing path with some lift in swing .fast bat speed with some pull side power. Nice extension through contact. Exit velocity of 92 mph. Solid actions in the infield at first. Clean exchange, sound footwork on turns. Infield velocity 79 mph.

Scouting Report

2.19.17 - Solid athletic frame at 5-foot-10, 185-pounds. Hots from an athletic, slightly open set up . Short load to hitting position with knee turn in slightly closed off. Short swing path at the plate with bat speed. Gap-to-gap type hitter. Nice rhythm and set up at plate. Clean actions in the field with soft hands, crisp exchange to release. Infield velo of 73 mph. Exit velo of 86 mph. Good skill set in the player and solid prospect in 2018 class.

11.5.16 - Solid frame at 5-foot-10, 190-pounds. Ran a 7.62 60-yard dash and had a 1.88 10-yard split. Hits from a taller, slightly open setup. Short quick load to stride and hitting position. Shorter swing path that stays inside of ball. Quick hands, slap style hitter with some extension. Exit velocity of 83 mph. Sound, smooth actions in the infield. Nice base, sound exchange with a short arm action. Could work thru some more and follow throw which might increase the infield velocity of 71. Good foundation on young player to build on.


More MD Rankings Breakdown