Prep Baseball Report

Super 60 Spotlight: Tre Hondras

Nathan Rode
National Supervisor

Scouting Report



Positional Profile: OF/SS 
Body: 6-foot-0, 180-pounds. Athletic build with strength.
Defense: Actions play through the baseball, showed athletic actions both on the infield and outfield.
Arm: RH. INF - 78 mph. OF - 83 mph. Short over the top arm action, played online, athletic arm action.
Hit: RHH. Balanced stance, quiet pre pitch, smooth loading action, good balance through contact, simple and easy in the box. Loose hands, gap to gap approach, hits in rhythm and gets easy hard contact off the bat, path stays on top, creates backspin.
Power: 96 mph exit velocity from the tee. Above average power, hard contact off the bat.
Run: 6.84 runner in the 60. 




Michigan commit, currently ranked No. 13 in the Illinois’ 2020 class. 6-foot, 180-pound, athletically-built, right-handed hitting, center fielder. Plays the game with enthusiasm, extreme aggressiveness, hard out of the box and always looking to take the extra base. Took competitive at-bats swings throughout the game.  Every ball put into play was hit on the barrel. Finished 2-for-4 with two runs scored, an RBI, walk, stolen base and reached base safely in all five at-bats. Singled hard into left-field twice, 4.68 and 4.61 on the turn. Reached on an infield error, 4.35 down the line. Natural in center field, did not see much action. High-level 2020 prospect.



2/10/19 - Michigan commit. 6-foot, 180-pound, right-handed hitting/throwing multi-positional player, advanced athletic frame. Has made major strides in his 60 time in the past year, ran a quick 6.60. Offensively, wide, balanced setup, smooth load, short stride, maintains control. Swing has polish, fluidity in hands, path is short and direct, barreled up the baseballs to all fields. Fast bat speed, exit velocity topped 91 mph from a tee. Natural actions at both positions, ranges all directions, soft, sure hands, quick and clean transfer to release, seems easy. Short, clean high ¾ slot, can drop slot, throws carried 86 mph from the outfield and 84 mph across the diamond. High-level 2020 prospect.



7.30.18 - On Day 3 at OK Limited Series, Hondras’ quick hands stood out all game with near-electric bat speed through the zone. His hands start high with little movement pre-pitch before a late crouch into a power-position with a short stride and hitch works his hands down through the zone with a high finish. Hondras took a number of quality swings, and was rewarded with a hard-hit single in his first at-bat. He also roams centerfield well, and has clean ball skills.



2.18.18 - 6-foot, 180-pound, infielder with a mature, athletic frame. 6.92 runner in the 60, laser-timed. Right-handed hitter, presence in the box, balanced setup, smooth load and short stride. Quick, athletic hands, creates bat speed, hard contact to both gaps and fluid rhythm throughout. 90 mph exit velocity from a tee. Defensively, fluid footwork, ranges well to both sides and plays under control. Sure hands, works through the baseball and directional to target. Short, over-the-top arm action, throws clocked at 78 mph.



10.22.17 - Highly athletic 6-foot, 175-pound right-handed hitting 2B/OF. Ran an event best 6.80 60-yard dash. At the plate hits from a crouched, open setup, short stride with good balance. Gap to gap hitter with fluid rhythm and a fast bat. Short, uphill swing path. 93 mph exit velocity from a tee with wood. Defensively took drills in the both the infield and outfield. In the infield, fluid footwork with athletic actions and soft hands. Long arm action from a high ¾ slot. Threw 78 mph across the infield. In the outfield plays thru the ball with solid footwork and hands, threw 83 mph.



4.25.17 - 6-foot, 160-pound, well-proportioned, right-handed hitting first baseman. Will continue to get bigger and add quality strength. Offensively, good approach for his age. Even, slightly crouched setup, minimal load, head stays still and his hands stay back. Made adjustments at the plate throughout. Defensively, played first base on the day, moves well and would like to see in the outfield. High-follow 2020 prospect.

1.15.17 - 6-foot, 160-pound right-handed hitting 2B/OF with an athletic frame. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with a smooth load and short stride. Gap to gap hitter with fluid rhythm and good balance. Showed strength thru contact with 87 mph exit velocity from a tee. Ran the 60 at 7.11. Defensively in the outfield has a long arm action from a high ¾ slot. Plays thru the ball with a clean exchange. Throws showed carry throwing 81 mph from the outfield. In the infield has solid actions with fluid footwork and soft hands. Threw 70 mph across the diamond.


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