Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Senior Spotlight: Caleb Wulf, SS/RHP. West Liberty

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Iowa

PBR IA Uncommitted Senior Spotlight


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Scouting Report



Positional Profile: SS/RHP
Body: 5-11, 185-pounds.
Defense: RH. INF - 88 mph. Solid defender, soft hands, uses momentum through his throws, clean exchanges. Longer release from ¾ arm slot.
Hit: LHH.  Open stance, rolls to square. Fluid line-drive swing, uses all fields with feel for the barrel. Consistent line-drives in BP.
Power: 92 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Run: 7.09 runner in the 60. 

Delivery: Quick tempo side-step delivery, medium tuck and turn, athletic down the mound, lands inline with the catcher, repeats well.
Arm Action: RH. Clean high-¾ arm slot with extension.
FB: T87, 84-87 mph. Slight arm-side run, jumps on hitters. Consistent strikes.
CB: 69-71 mph. Sharp 11/5 break with depth.
SL: 74-75 mph. 10/4 break with slight sweep action and flashes depth.
CH: 75-77 mph. Above average fade and sink action, slows down arm.





Positional Profile: SS/RHP
Body: 5-11, 165-pounds.
Defense: INF - 82 mph. Sure hands, plays on balls of feet, works through ball well, longer release on throws, arm works.
Hit: Open stance, line drive swing plane, hard mid/pull contact with ability to drive ball to opposite field.
Power: 89 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Run: 7.40 runner in the 60. 

Delivery: Rolls into medium tuck and turn, hides ball behind body, lands inline, rhythm in delivery.
Arm Action: Long clean arm action from ¾ slot.
FB: T82, 80-82 mph. Flashes life to FB; downhill run and sink
CB: 71-72 mph. Small break, tight spin, 11/5 shape.
SL: 74-75 mph. Sidespin, 10/4 break, flashes of sharp depth.
CH: 73-74 mph. Above avg. action; slows tempo to throw.





Positional Profile: SS/RHP
Body: 5-11, 165-pounds.
Defense: RH. INF - 81 mph. Sure hands, heavier feet to field, needs to follow throws to target, solid arm across.
Hit: LHH. Square stance, solid load, shows good hands at plate, works gap to gap, stays inside ball well, consistent line drive contact.
Power: 88 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Run: 7.32 runner in the 60. 

Delivery: RH. Controlled mechanics, lands inline and closed to plate, clean compact arm action.
FB: T83, 81-83 mph. Command fastball well to both sides of plate with varying action.
CB: 66-69 mph. Lands breaking ball for strikes.
SL: 71-72 mph. Above avg. pitch with late sharp break; ability to show in zone and take away from hitter.
CH: 67-70 mph. Thrown at FB arm speed with deception and late running action.