Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Spotlight: 2025 Coby McBride

Prep Baseball Texas Staff

Scouting Report


Coby McBride, Boswell (TX), 2025
Positional Profile: OF CF with plus range in OF with solid avg arm. Opportunities present with adjustments, see as high avg guy with ability to get his SB's. Switch hitting CF with upside. Will continue to develop.
Body: 5-8, 151-pounds. Good build/frame to add strength. Quick twitch present.
Hit: SH. LHH…simple approach to hit, loads into back to leg to initiate stride, gets in good position to hit with body, rotational back leg, does a good job of using lower 1/2 in swing. RHH…similar approach, gets in good position to hit with stride, does a good job of using lower 1/2. LHH solid swing, barrel/hands in good position, good path into zone with hands, uphill path with swing, can get more on plane developing more line drive contact. Creates fly ball contact LH…not his game, should be line drive guy looking to get to gaps and use speed. RHH…barrel in good launch position, hands away from body some to start, some length to swing with slight uphill path. Similar to LHH, would like to see him create more line drive contact. Like the upside to avg with adjustments. 65.5 mph bat speed with 11 G's of rotational acceleration.
Power: 87 max exit velocity, averaged 75.8 mph. 293' max distance. Hit over power. Chance to be high avg guy giving him the ability to take advantage of speed. Will have some pull side power in future.
Arm: RH. OF-90 mph. Arm works with quickness.
Defense: Moves well to baseball, gets into good position to field baseball, range present. CF who can cover ground in gaps.
ATH: 6.72 runner in the 60. Plus runner. Quickness present, will get his share of SB's. 32.20 max vertical.