Prep Baseball Report

2018 VA/DC Rankings Spotlight: Top Uncommitted MIF

John Nolan


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PBR VA/DC updated and expanded its Class of 2018 Rankings in December, as the year turns we will take a closer look at those rankings. Today we spotlight uncommitted middle infielders in the Top 200 of the updated VA/DC rankings.


Class of 2018: Top Uncommitted Middle Infielders


Scouting Report

6.27.17:  Howard is 5-11 with a lankier athletic frame, hits from the right side from a balanced athletic stance. Short stride on line, minimal load with a wrap, explosive lower half and good balance to swing. Quick to ball, slightly uphill swing, gap to gap preference, line drive hitter that elevates the ball some, exit velocity was 80. At short, clean footwork, fields with a wide base, above average hands. Works through ball well to a clean exchange, throws from a lower three-quarters arm slot, infield velocity was 78. Has good speed, ran a 3.84 home to first on a bunt.

2.18.17:  Howard is 5-11 and has a lanky frame, hits from the right side from an open athletic stance, short stride on line with load back and wrap, good rhythm. Some hip explosion and good balance to swing. Uphill swing path with extension through the ball, worked gap to gap with a line drive swing, exit velocity was 83. At short, clean footwork and above average hands. Clean exchange, throwing from a three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action, position velocity was 78. 60 time was 6.84.

Scouting Report

9.15.17:  Johnson has added some strength to his athletic frame. In the field, very soft hands, quick exchange and release, accurate arm. At the plate, short simple line drive swing, works middle of the field, potential high average hitter with some doubles power. Ran a 4.31 home to first.

5.31.17: Johnson played third in this game, has a good first step and soft hands, clean transfer and works through the ball well. Short arm action with average arm strength. Short line drive swing, uses the whole field, ran a 4.40 on a groundout.

2.18.17:  Johnson is 5-9 with an athletic frame, hits from the right side from an open athletic stance. Short stride on line, smooth load back, good rhythm, explosive hips and some balance to swing. Short to ball, level to slightly uphill path with some extension through it, line drive swing, good approach using middle of field, exit velocity was 85. At short, quick clean footwork, fields with wide base, above average hands. Clean exchange, throws from three-quarters arm slot, short arm action, position velocity was 77. Ran a 7.33 60.

6.21.16:  Johnson has an athletic 5-9 frame and hits from the right side. Athletic stance, loads back into a wrap with a leg kick stride. Explosive lower half with good balance throughout his swing. Short path with some extension and a fast bat. Exit velocity was 87. Fluid rhythm with a good approach, line drive swing that worked gap to gap. Three-quarters arm slot with a loose arm action. Accurate throws, position velocity of 76. Soft hands and quick fluid footwork with a clean, fast exchange. Athletic defender that plays through balls well. 7.09 60 time.

10.31.15: Hit from a slightly narrow stance that stood tall.  Smooth load back with a controlled stride that stays on line.  Decent lower half turn to the ball.  Maintains good balance throughout swing.  Bat exit velocity of 78 mph.  Short, level path to the ball with decent extension.  Line drive hitter with quality mechanics.  Good feel for hands, should be an elite hitter with increased strength.  Threw from a quick, high ¾ arm slot with accuracy.  Positional velocity of 72 mph.  Quality hands with clean footwork.  At times rigid.  Quick, clean exchanges.  Plays through the ball.  Athletic infielder with smooth range.

9.23.15:  Hit from balanced and athletic stance.  Smooth load back with a controlled stride that stays on line.  Average lower half turn to the ball, at times sits on back side.  Good balance maintained throughout swing.  Bat exit velocity of 77mph.  Short path to the ball that stays level and extends through the ball.  Line drive hitter.  In the field, threw from a quick, loose high ¾ arm slot.  Throws had accuracy.  Positional velocity of 72mph.  Good glove presentation.  Soft hands with quick, clean exchanges.  Footwork was quick and fluid.  Played through the ball.  Showed some athleticism and ability to move laterally.


VA Unsigned Senior Games 8/9/17

Projectable, athletic frame at 5-foot-11, 165-pounds. Hits from a slightly open, athletic set up with weight slightly forward at the plate. Has a smooth load shifting weight back to hitting position with short leg lift and occasional arm bar in load as he squares up. Level swig path with uphill finish and quick hands through the zone and shows extension through contact.Nice lower half as he does get it involved.  Nice rhythm throughout swing. Exit velocity of 84 on the day. Active feet in the infield. sound fundamentals with clean hands to a funnel to belly button and works through the ball. Smooth exchange to release throwing from a three quarter slot. Throws are accurate and had a velocity of 83 mph. Ran a 7.03 60 yard dash on the day.

VA/DC Top Prospect Games 6.27.17

Kane is 5-11 and has a lankier athletic frame, he hits from the right side from a slightly open athletic stance. Short stride on line, smooth load back, some rhythm to swing. Explosive lower half and some balance during swing. Level line drive swing with some extension through ball, good approach working the middle of the field, exit velocity was 82. At short, good feet, rounds ball well and fields it with soft hands and a good base. Clean exchange and plays through the ball well, throws from a low three-quarters arm slot, shorter arm action, infield velocity was 75. Home to first time was 4.46.

5.22.16:  Hits from an athletic, balanced stance that is slightly open. Smooth load back with short, balanced stride that gets back to square. Decent lower half drive. Bat exit velocity of 78 MPH. Good approach to the round. Slight arm bar with level swing path that stays through the ball. Line drive hitter. Throws from a loose, high three-quarters arm slot with some accuracy. Positional velocity of 81 MPH. Average hands with footwork that played through the ball.

10.31.15: Hit from an athletic, balanced stance that was slightly open.  Smooth load back with quiet hands.  Controlled stride that got back on line.  Decent lower half turn that pushed forward at times.  Maintains balance throughout swing.  Bat exit velocity of 77 mph.  Short, level swing path that stayed through the ball at times.  Line drive hitter.  Threw from a quick, high ¾ arm slot with some accuracy.  Positional velocity of 73 mph.  Average hands with clean footwork.  Quick, clean exchanges.  Played through the ball.

7/31/14: 5-foot-10, 150 pound, SS/2B, has an athletic frame that will allow for strength to be added.  Kane showed clean fielding mechanics with good agility to balls hit to his left/right.  As he fills out his frame his arm should be able to increase in strength.  Offensively, Kane had a strong, athletic stance.  He displayed a solid load and stride that allowed him to consistently get the barrel to the baseball. With the addition of a higher finish to his swing path he should project as a strong gap hitter.

Scouting Report

6.27.17:  Lingebach is 5-11 with an athletic frame, hits from the left side from an athletic stance, short stride on line, minimal load back, good rhythm to swing. Some hip explosion, good balance to swing. Good approach, uses whole field, drives ball gap to gap. Short to ball, quick bat with a level swing, line drive hitter with some pop, exit velocity was 87. At short, clean feet and above average hands. Works through ball to a clean exchange, short arm action, infield velocity was 82. Home to first was 4.43.

3.28.17: Athletic frame, good first step and soft hands, plays around the ball well defensively. Throws from high three-quarters arm slot, short arm action. Hits from the left side, balanced athletic stance with a short stride on line. Has some bat speed and is short to ball, pull approach working uphill with extension. Showed good approach, adjusting to curveball and yanking it for a home run. Also showed ability to get the head down on a 90 MPH fastball, pulling some foul balls for very long strikes.

Scouting Report

8.9.17:  Maddox is 5-8 with a lankier frame, he hits from the right side from an athletic stance. Short stride on line, short load back, some rhythm to his swing. Explosive lower half with some balance to his swing. Short and quick to ball, works uphill with a pull approach, line drive swing with some fly ball tendencies, exit velocity was 84. At short, gets behind the ball, fields with average hands and a wider base. Plays through the ball, clean exchange, throws from a lower three-quarters arm slot, short arm action, infield velocity was 77. Ran a 7.00 60 yard dash.

Scouting Report

12.3.16 (End of Year Showcase) - Compact frame at 5-8, 150-pounds. Hits from a square setup, slightly open. Short weight shift back in load with leg kick. Slight bar arm into load. Quick hands with a level path and consistently barrelled up the ball. Gets in and out of zone with some rhythm throughout. Exit velocity of 82. Active feet in the infield with smooth actions. Clean hands and actions from the infield with sound fundamentals. Shorter quick arm action with an infield velocity of 80 mph.
5.22.16:  Hits from balanced, athletic stance that stands slightly open. Smooth load back with a leg kick stride that gets back to square and controlled. Good rhythm throughout swing. Decent lower half drive with a level swing path that gets through at times. Line drive hitter. Bat exit velocity of 81 MPH. Throws from a loose, high three-quarters arm slot with some accuracy. Positional velocity of 80 MPH. Soft hands with fluid footwork that plays through the ball. Athletic defender.

Scouting Report

3.18.17 - Menders has an athletic frame, at short he throws from a low three-quarters arm slot. Good footwork and fields with a wide base, smooth actions and soft hands, quick exchange that is clean. At plate, hits from right side with balanced athletic stance, short stride on line and smooth load back into slight arm bar. Good hips and some balance to swing, longer path with some bat speed, level swing and line drive hitter who works the middle of the field with gap power and potential for more

Scouting Report

4.6.17 - Rudolph has an athletic frame and good actions at short. Above average hands and good footwork, plays through ball with clean exchange. Threw from a lower three-quarters arm slot with a quick arm action and above average arm strength. Would like to see more offensively, but liked the package was able to see on the day.