Prep Baseball Report

Underclass Invitational Q&A with No. 97 2020 Jack Roode

Jeff Markle
Assistant State Director


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With our first premier event of 2018 three weeks away, we will introduce you to players who are registered. Continuing our look at Underclass Invitational participants is No. 97 C/3B Jack Roode from Kent Denver High School.

PBR:  Describe yourself as a baseball player to those who have never seen you play:  

Roode: Ever since I started playing baseball I loved it because of the importance of every pitch and every play. Because of the importance of every pitch, I play with the mindset that it is the most important play of the game. With this attitude I feel as if I bring a new intensity to the game and this impacts the players around me. Especially as a catcher. 

PBR:  What would be your dream school to play baseball at? If you have already committed to play at the next level, why did you choose that particular school? 

Roode: At this point in the recruiting process one of my top school that I was planning to attend would be Furman. I have become very attached to the location and warmer climate. As a kid, it was always my dream to play college baseball and pursue academics as well. Furman would be a good school for me because of the college baseball, as well as its academics.

PBR:  What are your best assets on and off the field at this point in your high school career?   

Roode: As a freshman I caught every inning and started to become very close with my teammates, especially pitchers, after just one season with them. Some of the assets that I bring would be my communication with my teammates on and off the field. Most of my teammates are also good friends of mine and I enjoy spending time with my teammates and getting to know them. This transferred onto the field because I would read my pitcher much better and could help them when they didn’t have their best pitches. 

PBR:  What is the best baseball advice you have received and try to follow to this point in your career? 

Roode: The best advice that I have received in my baseball career is, “you never know who is watching you”. This is very important to me and I try to follow this because the worst thing that could happen is missing an opportunity to impress a coach or anyone in life. If I always work hard and give 100%, then I will never miss an opportunity to impress a coach.

PBR: What does your off-season routine look like to prepare for the upcoming season?

Roode: During the end of November to start of December I begin to lift before school three times a week and then after school long toss. Then I go home and do all of my homework and after finishing homework I go to Slammers and hit three times a week (One of those days a week hitting with my coach).

PBR:  What are your superstitions or routines that go on during a season? 

Roode: During the season I usually will have two double headers during the week and then either a tournament or another double header on Saturday or Sunday. Two of the other three days that I am not playing, I will hit at Slammers. During my pregame routine I arrive at the field and go through my own stretching and specifically catching stretches to loosen up my legs. Then I go through my arm care stretches before doing an abbreviated long toss with pull downs included. Then I go through my hitting routine. I start with short toss a hit 6 up the middle, to the opposite field, and then 6 pulled. Then I hit a round live trying to hit everything up the middle. Then I do my pre hitting routine. When I am on deck I am looking for the pitchers tendencies and if he changes his motion for off speed pitches. I also go through my situational approach and think about what I am trying to accomplish in the upcoming at-bat to move and score runners on base.

PBR:  What are your goals for: 

This Season: Helping my High School team win a State Championship.

Two Years: Being accepted and committed to a D1 school.  

Four Years: Attending College and pursing my academic and athletic career. 

Scouting Report


6-foot, 160 pounds. Bats left and throws right. At plate stands tall, loads straight back, and has high leg kick back. Level swing through zone. Line drives to gap to gap. 82 mph exit velo off the tee. Beats the ball when framing. Pop-times were 2.06 to 2.11 off a coach. Arm velocity was 72 mph and accurate. 

5-foot-10, 150 pounds. Bats left, throws right. Athletic looking frame. At the plate swing works real well. Tall balanced stance. Quiet load, slight in and out swing through zone. Very good extension through ball. Sometimes over rotates on lower half. 75 mph exit velocity off a tee. On throw downs has a slight hesitation which can be easily corrected. As he gets stronger arm velo will increase. Soft hands receiving.