Prep Baseball Report

Underclass Invitational Q&A with 2020 RHP/SS Zach Radigan

Jeff Markle
Assistant State Director


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With our first premier event of 2018 one week away, we wanted to introduce you to players who are registered. Continuing our look at Underclass Invitational participants is 2020 RHP/SS Zach Radigan of Dakota Ridge High School.

PBR:  Describe yourself as a baseball player to those who have never seen you play: 

Radigan: As a player, I'm hard working, I strive to get better with every opportunity and I like to be a leader to those who play with me. As a shortstop, I make the everyday plays and focus on doing the small things right. I am a vocal leader, encouraging my teammates on and holding them accountable. The hard plays that come my way, I try to do everything I can to get that out for my team. As a hitter, I strive to get myself on base to help the team, as well as doing the right things to move that runner to the next base.

PBR:  What would be your dream school to play baseball at?  If you have already committed to play at the next level, why did you choose that particular school? 

Radigan: My dream school to play baseball is at ASU or LSU. I dream to attend one of those two schools and play baseball there because, their program can help them become a better player mentally and physically.

PBR:  What are your best assets on and off the field at this point in your high school career? 

Radigan: My best assets on the field is that my team always comes first. I strive to become better every pitch and I am a loud vocal leader that encourages the team, helps keep people's head up and help someone if they do something wrong. My strongest asset off the field are doing the right things and keeping good grades. As well as helping other teammates or student if they need it.

PBR:  What is the best baseball advice you have received and try to follow to this point in your career? 

Radigan: The best baseball advise I have ever received and still follow, is from my head baseball coach Jeff Legault. He calls it the 10-80-10 triangle. At the bottom 10 % are those who don't strive to get better and show up to practice not trying to learn. They are the ones who pull people down. The 80% are the ones who do what they are supposed to, show up to learn and get better. The top 10% are the ones who are constantly trying to get better even on their own time and they are the ones who are the leaders.

PBR: What does your off-season routine look like to prepare for the upcoming season?

Radigan: My off-season routine, to prepare for the upcoming season, consist of jogging, working out, hitting, and fielding. I always work on pitching. When I have the opportunity, I try to run which helps me stay in shape and creates endurance I will need late in the season. I work out to get bigger and stronger than I was in the previous season. Most often I hit off a tee to keep my swing ready as well as getting in the reps.

PBR:  What are your superstitions or routines that go on during a season? 

Radigan: Some of my superstitions are my dad wearing a Metallica shirt when I pitch. Batting, without batting gloves, have a fresh piece of gum before an at bat and the most important one of all, before I bat, I level out the batters box, put my right foot in first tap the outside corner, the the inside corner of the plate with my bat, then do a semi circle motion towards the pitcher.

PBR:  What are your goals for: 

This Season: My goals, for this season are to become the best pitcher and all around player, that ever went to Dakota Ridge. I also want to be a better leader for my teammates as well as keeping my head high. I want to get at least two quality at bats a game as well as scoring at least one run a game.

Two Years:  In two years my goal is to be playing varsity baseball as a starter and make the first conference all state team.

Four Years: In four years, my goal is to either be playing college baseball at a school I love, or to be making my way up to making it to The Show.

Scouting Report


5-foot-6, 110-pound right hand hitting RHP/SS who ran a 7.8 60.  At the plate he hits from a balanced stance with a slow load on the pitch.  Good lower leg drive on the swing.  Hands come through the zone on an uphill path. Exit velocity was 71 MPH. In the field he showed good athletic actions and instincts.  He has soft hands and a good glove to hand transfer.  Arm Velocity was 64 MPH.  


On the mound he stands tall and gets balanced.  Strong lower leg drive to the plate and stays in-line on his delivery.  Arm speed stays consistent on all three pitches.  Delivery is from an over the top arm slot.  Fastball was 71-72 MPH with command down in the zone.  He added a 64-65 MPH Curve with late 11/5 break and finished with a 63-65 Change that lived outside.