Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Spotlight: Noah Wasano

PBR Staff

We continue our coverage of uncommitted players, spotlighting them to help maximize their exposure and assist them in the recruiting process. Today, we look at 2022 RHP Noah Wasano (Coroado).


Profile: 6-foot-2, 192 pounds. Developed frame with a strong lower half. Proportionate throughout. Athletic with projections continue adding velocity. Attacks hitters. Works to get ahead to feed into his potential plus split change.

Delivery:  Starts in a narrow, hybrid set up. Efficient, smooth rhythm throughout his delivery. Drop and drive type. Level shoulders. High peaking leg kick. Lands slightly closed. 
Arm Action: Long, loose arm action. High 3/4 arm slot.

FB: Max 85 mph. 80-84 mph. Avg. Spin Rate – 1945 RPM. Some downhill action. Locates well.

SL: 71-75 mph. Avg. Spin Rate - 1824 RPM. Some sweeping action. Flashes late bite. Works well off his fastball plane.

CH: 72-74 mph. Avg. Spin Rate - 816 RPM. Split change with late action. Go to secondary pitch.