Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Spotlight: Leighton Mercurius

Joe Dattoli
West Coast Director of Operations

We continue our coverage of uncommitted players, spotlighting them to help maximize their exposure and assist them in the recruiting process. Today, we look at 2023 Leighton Mercurius out of The Meadows. 


Profile: The three sport athlete continues to impress after his breakout performance at the Future Games just a month ago. His loose projectable actions on the mound have him quickly becoming one of the most sought after prospects in the state with fastball velocity that has continues to climb at each Prep Baseball Report event

Body: 6-foot-3, 170 pounds. High level athleticism. Long limbs with room to add strength and size. Free and easy actions throughout his game. Quick twitch with some raw attributes. Uses his frame well to get down the mound.

Delivery: Starting tall, narrow in the middle-left part of the rubber. He starts with a small weight shift left then brings it back up into a check high peaking leg kick. Sinks into his drop and drive delivery. On line stride with quality extension. Remains balanced over his front side landing in a squared finish. Repeats well. Low to some effort.
Arm Action: RH. Long, loose action. 3/4 to high 3/4 slot. Repeats arm slot well on both FB and CB. 

FB: Max 88 mph. Sat 85-87 mph. Avg. Spin Rate - 2169 RPM. Ball jumps out of his hand. Some downhill action. Locates well.

CB: 70 - 73 mph. Avg. Spin Rate - 1507 RPM. Flashes potential when down in the zone. Works off the same plane as his FB.