Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Spotlight: Dallin Smith

PBR Staff

We continue our coverage of uncommitted players, spotlighting them to help maximize their exposure and assist them in the recruiting process. Today, we look at 2022 C Dallin Smith (Coroado).

Body: 6-foot-0, 195 pounds. Strong, proportionate build. Athletic with present strength throughout. 

Defense: C. Quality presentation of pitches. Tends to open up to 3B on throws to 2B. Some development needed with his blocking. IF. Some comfort coming off the bag. Serviceable at 1B. Present a quality target and receives well. 1.95-2.04 pop time.

Arm: RH. 72 mph. On line throws. Some carry. 

Hit: SH. RHH. Spread, slightly open set up. Efficient to the ball. Keeps his hands inside the ball well. Lived mostly middle-other way. Stays in his legs. LHH. Natural side. Tall, squared set up. Quick to the ball with quality barrel awareness. Moslty middle-pull. Some present power to the pull side. 

Power: 97 mph Exit Velocity via TrackMan

Run: 7.30 Laser Timed 60