Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Spotlight: Andrew Calloway

PBR Staff
PBR Arizona

Scouting Report


1/27/19 - Uncommitted. 6'4 205 pound frame, with plenty of room for weight. Calloway made the jump out of the low 80s and should look for that number to continue to climb. Showed an impressive inning of work, running his fastball up to 86 with deception that kept hitters uncomfortable in the box and showing the ability to pitch to both sides of the plate. Confidently threw his 1-7 breaking ball in multiple hitters counts at 69-70 MPH.     Good downhill plane from the high 3/4 arm slot. Continues to get better and throw more quality strikes.



10/14/18 - 6-foot-4, 205-pound frame. Physically imposing broad shouldered projectable left-handed pitcher. While the fastball velocity (81-83) hasn't quite ticked up yet, he showed by far the best control we've seen from him in awhile and also flashed an improved 69-72 mph breaking ball with tight rotation and hard downward break. Calloway is a proven competitor with significant upside remaining. What level he fits at will depend on how soon he makes a jump and how much schools are willing to project.



6/5/18 - Impressive 6-foot-4, 190-pound frame. Calloway threw his fastball at 76-77 mph topping at 78 from a ¾ arm slot with some run. Have seen up to 83 mph in the past. At times in this look, Calloway got very linear to plate, causing hip rotation to stall, lead leg failing to stabilize, and his center of mass sunk very low to the ground losing considerable plane. Curveball was thrown at 62-65 mph with 11-5 shape. Arm slot may be more conducive for a slider. Change up was more of a straight change thrown at 71-73 mph; maintained fastball arm speed with the pitch. Showed good feel for all of his pitches. High follow prospect with significant upside when the velo jumps as his body indicates it should.



1/28/18 - 6-foot-4, 190-pound frame. Long limbs. Body has matured some since the fall with much more to come. Shows rare ability for a young pitcher of his size to pound the strike zone. Clean ¾ arm action. Repeats delivery well. Lack of strength in lower half doesn’t allow him to get out over his front side and causes some recoiling action. Worked 80-82, T83 with his fastball that showed some arm side run. Arm speed has increased since we last saw him in the fall. 66-67 mph curveball and 73-74 mph changeup are developing with neither a true out pitch yet. Did show ability to keep hitters off balance by throwing them around the zone. Pitched off his fastball. Has a chance to become high-end prospect with continued physical development and refinement of secondary offerings.



10/6/17 - 6-foot-4 178-pounds. Worked 77-79 with a mostly straight fastball. Threw from ¾ slot with long, loose arm action. Very low effort delivery that combined with his frame projects for more velo as he adds physical strength.  Has a chance to pitch with both plane and angle on the fastball. 67 mph curveball showed consistent rotation and was generally around the plate. Delivery indicates he should be capable of throwing a good changeup as he matures. Strong follow on the mound.