Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Player Spotlight: Will Pearson

Blake Davis
State Director

Scouting Report

Deep South Invite 10/14/18:

Will Pearson was a nice surprise a the Deep South event. He is a medium framed kid with room to grow and fill out.  He is already running his fastball up in the 84 MPH range with more in the tank.  It is not often you use projectable with a side-arm pitcher, but that is exactly what he is. He has big hands and long arms and is going to create some funky angles in the future. His slider is a length pitch, but shows promising shape and ability to land.  It looks like the kind of pitch that will expand hitters zones in the future, using it away from hitters and expanding. Pearson looks like a strike thrower and has good presence on the mound. Pearson will need to continue find his true arm slot from down there and maximize his sink, because when his slot wonders too low, he looses the ability to sink the baseball. Will not be surprised to see him climb into the upper 80's in the future and make himself a commodity as a bullpen type side-armer. Will be a close follow for us over the next year, as we look for him to get stronger, because the ingredients to progress are in place.