Prep Baseball Report

Uncommitted Player Spotlight: '21 Drew Lingen, C/RHP, Rochester John Marshall

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

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Scouting Report


Positional Profile: C/RHP
Body: 6-2, 200-pounds. Big strong frame
Hit: RHH. Slightly open and wide base. Leg lift trigger. Strength through swing. Gap to gap approach with line drive contact
Power: 95 mph exit velocity from the tee. Pop in barrel
Arm: RH. C - 78 mph. Short and quick arm action
Defense: 2.01-2.08 pop times. Off-set start. Clean exchange and good feet. Works from one knee and glove is low to high. Stays square and gold the zone.
Run: 7.21 runner in the 60. 

Delivery: Quick tempo, good direction down mound. Occasionally lands across body.
Arm Action: RH. Compact 3/4 arm action.
FB: T83, 81-83 mph. Slight arm-side run.
CB: 69-71 mph. Solid 11/5 shape. Good depth and depth.
CH: 75-77 mph. Solid run and sink action. Inconsistent feel.


6-foot-2, 190-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. 7.43 runner.  Good size and present strength.  Squared stance with weight slightly back.  Small and simple load.  Gap to gap approach with line drive and fly ball contact.  Flashes pull pop with consistent barrel contact.  88 mph exit velocity.  C- Bigger target.  Low balanced setup.  Quiet glove with ability to hold pitches.  Longer footwork with good direction on throws.  Clean exchange with 2.01-2.15 pop times and 77 mph arm strength.  On mound- Solid frame. Good tempo through delivery.  Lands across and falls off glove side.  Throws from a ¾ arm slot with a shorter arm action at times.  Fastball has slight run action at 83-85 mph topping at 88 mph.  Curveball is more slider action and has 10/4 late break with small shape at 69-71 mph. 



6-foot-2, 190-pound right-handed hitting catcher. 7.52 runner. Square stance, body load, leg kick trigger, controlled head, slight arm bar, fly ball contact, relatively clean path, flashes pop in bat to mid/pull side of field, 91 mph exit velocity. Solid setup behind plate, stronger hands, moves well for size, late to block, stronger arm with carry and accuracy, clean exchange, 77 mph arm strength with 2.06-2.20 pop times.


3/17/18- 6-foot-2, 178-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. Longer frame with physical build for age. On mound; short turn into controlled crouched balance point, long sideways arm swing and delivers from ¾ slot, short stride with stiffer lower half in delivery. Fastball was 78-79, touching 81 mph, with consistent arm-side run. Loopy shape and early break on 11/5 curveball. Sinking action on changeup to arm-side of plate. 7.52 runner. Early body load, hovers over back leg, aggressive swinger, uses gaps well, shows strength in bat with flashes of pop, mid/pull approach with fly ball contact, 84 mph exit velocity. Higher stance, avg. sequence and timing with lower and upper half, quick release, has strength in hands to receive, avg. mobility, projectable frame and strength and should continue to improve as he matures, 71 mph arm strength with 2.06-2.21 pop times.


10/22/17- 6-foot-2, 178-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. Projectable build for age. On mound; controlled delivery with pauses in tempo, crouch at balance point, short draw on backside of arm action with extension out front. Fastball showed slight arm-side sink with running action at 77-80 mph. Loopy shape and break on slider. Flashes of solid action on knuckleball; thrown at bottom of zone. 8.08 runner. Open stance, strides to square, slight hitch in load, creates above avg. bat speed, gap to gap hitter with consistent solid contact, 85 mph exit velocity. Average receiver and blocker, shows quick feet behind plate, quick release from lower arm slot, avg. accuracy to bag, 75 mph arm strength with 2.1-2.27 pop times. Has room for development and should continue to make progression. Follow in 2021 class.