Prep Baseball Report

Trackman Traits- Pitching: 2023 RHP Matt Augustin (Bishop Eustace)

Brian Adorno
Advanced Scout

Welcome back to Trackman Traits! We will be dissecting the numbers the Trackman produces and the effect they can have on a pitcher's approach. Below are definitions of each category that we believe to be the most important for a young arm to keep in mind as well as breaking down an arm and giving suggestions on how they can improve their game. Keep in mind, in some categories it is better to be further away from average even if the numbers are wavering on below average. 


Fastball velocity doesn't go much deeper than just looking at the numbers and comparing them to the graphic below! Fastball velocity complements just about all of the other metrics that are measured. If you throw hard, it makes all your other pitches/metrics even better.


Spin rate is a measurement that if you are below average or above average, you can pitch with more room for error. On the other hand, if you are average you should try to throw in the bottom half of the zone with exceptional command. High spin fastballs profile as one that is frequently described as having "late life". Low spin fastballs tend to profile as a fastball that has heavy feel to it. Pitch movement is still dependent on spin direction of the pitch but Trackman does not have that metric displayed on profiles. 


Bauer Units are an easier way of determining how useful the spin numbers are compared to the velocity. We can calculate this metric by taking average spin rate and dividing it by average velocity. Bauer Units are useful because we can have a case of two pitchers with the same spin numbers, ex. 2200 RPM, but one pitcher throws 90 MPH and the other throws 83 MPH. The pitcher throwing 90 MPH with 2200 spin is not as impressive as the pitcher throwing 83 MPH with the same spin. Typically, we would tell the harder throwing pitcher to throw up in the zone purely off his velocity and his high spin, but because his Bauer Units would equate to around 24 that would be only 1 unit off of average (23), therefore he would want to hammer the bottom of the zone. On the other side, the pitcher throwing 83 MPH has a Bauer Unit measurement of 26 which is incredibly impressive. This would allow him to throw up in the zone even though his velocity is not blow away type numbers because he produces above average spin with that slated velocity. 


As far as deception goes, induced vertical break (IVB) is one of the more important metrics. Induced vertical break is not what is sounds. IVB simply means the pitch is "breaking" upward from the average level a pitch falls from release to home plate. This is a stat that you want to stay away from being average at. Fortunately, this can be tweaked slightly depending on release height. To put it simply, the higher number =  more "rise" the pitch has compared to average. Lower number = more depth the pitch has to it. 


One of the newer metrics we have begun to look at when evaluating FBs, vertical approach angle (VAA) can be a key indicator for swing and misses on FBs, especially when located in the top of the zone. Pitchers with lower numbers in this category have FBs that approach the plate at a more "shallow" angle, making that FB appear to have ride through the top of the zone and tougher to barrel up. Pitchers with higher numbers in this metric have "steeper" approach angles, making for a more heavy FB that should induce plenty of ground balls. Like with some of the above metrics, this is one to steer clear of being average in. VAA, like IVB, can be tweaked a bit with differing release heights. The top 10% VAA (more shallow) among D1 pitchers sits at -3.5 degrees, and the bottom 10% (more steep) among D1 pitchers is -7.5 degrees with the average VAA sitting at -5.6 degrees.


Scouting Report



6-foot-1, 155-pound projectable frame. At the plate, the right-handed hitter's best exit velocity was 79 mph. Begins in an open stance with a quick load, then uses a short stride before his swing. Ended his swing with high finish. Gap to gap approach. In the outfield, he showed the ability to make throws to the bases at 84 mph; had rhythmic footwork and soft hands. Showed a high ¾ slot with long arm action. During the event, he ran the 60-yard dash in 7.46. On the mound, he showed quick arm speed, used a long arm action with a high ¾ angle. He is a tall-and-fall type pitcher and uses high effort. Has a tall balance point with even shoulders. Lands square. Clocked sitting at 82-84 mph. He had sinking action on his changeup(73-74). Had a 10/4 curveball (67-72) that showed consistent command. Augustin was one of the top performers on the mound of the entire event, and shows a high ceiling on the bump. High riser in the 2023 rankings.


Fastball Breakdown

VelocityAugustin throws quite hard for someone his age. His average FB velo of 90.2 would put him in the upper echelon of HS pitchers FB velo. Based on his velocity alone, Augustin should be able to miss bats at this level. When it comes to projecting Augustin, his FB velo is already above average at the next level, placing him just outside the 25th percentile in FB velo for college arms. It doesn’t take any advanced knowledge of these numbers to realize a high school sophomore throwing that hard already is a good sign for his future. At the high school level, most anyone that throws this hard can miss bats with elevated FBs. However, as you get into the college and professional ranks with more advanced hitters, it takes more than just the juice on your FB.

Spin RateAugustin posted an average spin rate on his FB of 2199 and a peak of 2320, numbers that would grade as above to well above average at the high school level. The higher spin helps the ball stay on plane a little longer and makes the ball get on a hitter a little more quickly. When looking at his average spin rate when compared to college pitchers, however, Augustin finds himself right near the average of 2148 rpm. With spin, being average is exactly where you do not want to find yourself. In this metric, pitchers closer to the extremes on either side (very high or very low spin) find the most success. When you think about it, that should make some sense. Guys are used to seeing what average spin rate FBs look like, so when you deviate to an extreme, it makes that FB play much differently than one with average spin. Augustin would find greater success with his FB if the spin numbers fell closer to either end of the spectrum. Increasing spin rate is really hard to do naturally, unless you’re doctoring the baseball with foreign substances, you’re probably not going to increase your spin rate that much. (I am in no way encouraging doctoring baseballs!!) Trying to kill spin would be the better route for Augustin, developing more of a heavy, 2-seam FB with some horizontal movement should help Augustin utilize his FB most effectively at the next level.

Bauer Units: This is a really helpful tool to compare FB spin rates in different velo ranges. Augustin had max Bauer units of 25, two above the average of 23 in this category, suggesting that his FB still plays with above-average spin for how hard he throws. This number indicates that Augustin’s FB could play up in the zone, however, there’s no one number that will tell everything. It is possible for different metrics to tell you different stories about the same pitch. While this metric tells you he could venture up in the zone with his FB, other metrics tell you other stories.

Induced Vertical Break: While the Bauer Units metric suggested that his FB could play up in the zone, the IVB numbers paint a different picture. His average IVB was 13.8”, placing him around the 90th percentile among high school arms and around the 75th percentile in college arms. While there may not be any one number that can be used as an end-all-be-all in determining FB usage, there are certain metrics that hold more weight than others, and IVB is one of them. Like with spin, it is better to find yourself on either ends of the spectrum in this category. Guys with higher IVB have that ride through the zone that helps their FBs miss barrels up in the zone. Guys with lower IVB, like Augustin, have more success with FBs located down in the zone. 

Vertical Approach Angle: This is one of the newest metrics we have begun to look at when evaluating FBs. VAA is one of the more influential metrics to look at when determining FB usage and yet another category to steer clear of being average in. VAA can be a great indicator of Whiff %, or how effective your FB is in generating swings and misses. The more shallow the approach angle, the more swings and misses. In the case of Augustin, he sees his average VAA at -6.2 degrees, a higher VAA, and a steeper approach angle. Just because he doesn't have a shallow VAA does not mean his FB won't be effective, it just means it won't generate as many swings and misses when up in the zone. The steeper FBs find their success when down in the zone, inducing ground balls due to the depth of the pitch. Augustin can mix in the FB up in the zone to change eye-level, but should avoid using it up in the zone too frequently.

Recap: Right now, Matt Augustin can most likely blow his FB by most high school hitters and probably does not have to worry about pinpoint location thanks to how hard he throws. However, as he gets older and continues to face more advanced competition, he will have to rely on more than just velocity to beat hitters. Any hitter can time up velocity, so when evaluating and breaking down FBs it’s important to dig deeper than just velocity to get a real look into the pitch. Even though his FB has above-average velocity and spin at the high school level, and even though his FB will most likely beat most HS hitters when elevated, the rest of the numbers tell the story of a FB that plays best down in the zone. If Augustin can develop some feel for a heavier FB located down in the zone, he will not only be developing an effective pitch for the future but refining a pitch that should help him dominate HS hitters. 

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