Prep Baseball Report

Top Performer Spotlight: '23 CIF James Sill (Division Avenue)

Zach Guth
Assistant Scouting Director, NY/PA

Top Performer Report

'23 CIF James Sill (Division Avenue) is the typical CIF in an XL frame. At 6-foot-3, 230 lbs, Sill has an abundance of strength as well as some athleticism. Sill steps into the box in an upright stance that starts slightly open. The hands are moving to keep his upper half relaxed and loose. Sill loads straight back, and goes into his slight up and down leg kick. From here, Sill takes a relaxed, under control swing directly to the ball. Sill's swing isn't over powering or out of control; with his frame he works a hard swing, yet makes it looks smooth. With a 95 MPH max exit velocity, there is certainly juice in the swing. Sill has the capability to put up big numbers from the plate, he just needs to find the barrel a little more often. In the infield, Sill moves well around the bag with light feet and a soft glove that fields out in front of his body. The #3 ranked 1B in the NY 2023 class is still uncommitted.