Prep Baseball Report

Recruiting Q&A: Cameron Poston

By: Zac Bottoms
Arkansas Scouting Director

2018 OF/LHP Cameron Poston committed to Southern Arkansas University in August. Poston is a versatile outfielder and left-handed pitcher who has played a vital role in helping the Hurricanes to back to back 6A State Championships. Here is a review of his profile and our full interview.


Scouting Report

Poston is a 6-foot 175-pound OF/LHP with an athletic frame and build. As a position player, he stands out with his advanced feel to hit. He has impressed on multiple occasions as player who makes consistent loud contact. Offensively he starts from an athletic stance, he uses a minimum load stride combination. He attacks the baseball with line drive swing with fast bat speed. Defensively he plays through the baseball with fluid footwork and a normal exchange, he throws the baseball accurately with carry. On the mound, he attacks the strike zone with a fastball which works 82-84 mph with slight cut, he compliments his fastball with a curveball thrown 71-73 mph with 1/7 break with late break. Overall Poston is a two-way player with solid ability and plus make up. 


PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? 

Poston; I expected it to put me in the best spot for my future and my career.

PBR: Did location or distance from home play a factor in your decision?

 Poston; Yes. I didn't want a school that was over 5 hours away, unless it was a good opportunity 

PBR: Where did the college you chose first see you? How did your relationship develop with them?

Poston; The first time SAU saw me was at Xtra innings, then at their camp, and the longer it went the more I felt like it was the right school for me 

PBR: Who is the best player you have faced in your state, and why?

Poston; I've faced many good players in my state but the best in my opinion is probably Kam'ron Hunt. He was a good pitcher and a good position player.  

PBR: At what point in your career did you realize you were an elite player and became serious about taking your game to the next level?

Poston: After my sophomore year 

PBR: What were you looking for out of a college program to continue your baseball career at?

Poston: A good program, a good workout plan, good campus, a good coaching staff, my intended major, and a good meal plan. 

PBR: What is your best attribute as a baseball player and how does that transfer onto the field for your team?

Poston: Positivity and leadership. I want it to make my teammates happy and excited to play hard all the time. 

PBR: What part of your game needs the biggest improvement, why, and what will you do to improve it?

Poston: My biggest improvement is my speed. I need to get faster. I have been working on my speed and my core and getting leaner and more explosive

PBR: What advice would you give to young baseball players striving to get where you are?

Poston; Advice to give younger players is to keep working and don't let others tell you that you can't play at the next level. If you want to play at the next level then practice hard all the time.

PBR: What do you do in the offseason to keep yourself in baseball shape and prepare for the upcoming season?

Poston; I work out and hit all offseason, the offseason is the time to get better and grow. Get bigger, faster, and stronger

PBR: What do you like most about the college you committed to and what were the key factors in making your decision?

Poston; The best thing about my school is the program is stout and they care for every player and won't abandon you. They are a winning program that says I have a chance to start as a freshman. It was a no brainer. 

PBR: What other schools were on your short list before you made your final decision?

Poston; Carl Albert State CC, and KCKCC 

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