Prep Baseball Report

Q&A with Texas Tech Commit Colton Cross

PBR Texas Staff

TEXAS - As we wait for the high school season to get fully underway, PBR Texas is going to be doing Q&A's with some of the top players in the State. We will be discussing their recruiting process and their upcoming High School Season.

Today we catch up with 2023 RHP Colton Cross. The 2021 Future Games Alumn can really spin it and has a feel for two different breaking balls. He is fun to watch on the mound as he pitches with a high level of confidence and intent.

Scouting Report

Cross has been fun to follow along with as he has continued to develop over the last few years into the arm he is now and shows no sign of him slowing down. At 6-foot-1, 165-pounds, Cross has always shown a quick arm which has allowed him to spin the breaking ball with confidence, but is just now getting the fastball velocity to catch up. The fastball worked 84-88 mph with 2400+RPM getting plenty of swings and misses with it in the zone. Cross showcases two different breaking balls with two different shapes and speeds both resulting in swings and misses. One having true curveball shape at 70-72 mph with 2550+RPM, while the other is more of a slurve/power curveball shape still with some depth at 76-77 mph with 2500+RPM. Cross punched out 5 over the last three innings of the game to close out the victory.




PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? What were you looking for out of a college program to continue your baseball career at?

Cross: I was looking for a competitive program and coaches that I bonded with. I found both with Tech.


PDid location or distance from home play a factor in your decision?

C: Not so much, I was looking for the best fit for me. I am glad I found that fit with a school in Texas.


PWhen did the recruiting process really start to heat up for you? Where did the school you committed to first see you play?

CThe recruiting process started to heat up for me towards the middle of the summer, my velocity started to jump and everything else just fell in place.

PWhat do you like most about the program you chose, and what were the key factors in making your decision?

C: I like how easy the recruiting process was and how they were straight up about how they felt about me. They were very welcoming and didn’t drag out the process like other schools did.


PWhat other schools were on your short list before you made your final decision?

C: When I made my decision I was between Texas Tech and TCU. I felt that Texas Tech was a better fit for me.


PWho is the best player you have faced in your state? What about them makes for a tough opponent?

C: This is a hard question for me to answer, when I’m on the mound a batter is just a batter. I’m not big into keeping up with who I am facing or anything, I just attack.


PAt what point in your career did you realize you were a college-caliber player and became serious about taking your game to the next level?

C: I realized my freshman year, I really started to develop and noticed my hard work paying off.


PWhat advice would you give to young baseball players striving to get where you are?

C: I would tell them to stick with it and put your name out there as much as possible.


PWhat is the most memorable moment in your baseball career to this point?

CThis summer was by far the most memorable, I made big strides in my game and started to understand how to be successful consistently.

PPreview your high school team's season for us. How do you feel your team will be?

CI feel like my team will make big improvements from last year, with more upper class leadership and new coaching.