Prep Baseball Report

Q&A with Texas Commit Nik Sanders

PBR Texas Staff

TEXAS - As we wait for the high school season to get underway, PBR Texas is going to be doing Q&A's with some of the top players in the State. We will be discussing their recruiting process and their upcoming High School Season.

Today we catch up with 2023 Texas commit, Nik Sanders. The backstop has some of the biggest raw power in the class. Built with some thicker strength on an athletic, 6-foot-1, 190-pound frame, the big catcher remains compact to the frame from the right side with a more direct path and ability to turn the barrel with some authority. He slows the game down well, and there is a confident aura to all that he does on the diamond.



PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? What were you looking for out of a college program to continue your baseball career at?

Sanders: I was looking for a good educational school and on the sport side I was looking for a Family environment

PDid location or distance from home play a factor in your decision?

SYes because although at the end of the day it will be your decision , I felt as if it was a family decision; Because I owe this to my parents as much as I do to myself and they deserve to be able to come to my Home Games which in my case is remotely close to home.

PWhen did the recruiting process really start to heat up for you? Where did the school you committed to first see you play?

SIt started heating up in the 8th grade and I believe Texas first saw me play in Florida

PWhat do you like most about the program you chose, and what were the key factors in making your decision?

SWhat I like the most about Texas is that They treated me like Family from the beginning and one of the most key factors was that I was looking for a coach to play for who kept it real with me

PWhat other schools were on your short list before you made your final decision?

SVanderbilt , Arkansas, Miami

PWho is the best player you have faced in your state? What about them makes for a tough opponent?

SBest Pitcher I’ve faced In Texas is Definitely JD Thompson, I got to Catch him as a teammate multiple times but hitting against him is a totally different ballgame. What makes him tough is that he’s a “Go Getter” and a “ Team First ” type of guy. He’s gonna go straight at you with his Heater and mix it up with his curveball and change up. Much Love to my guy JD he deserves nothing but the best.

PAt what point in your career did you realize you were a college-caliber player and became serious about taking your game to the next level?

SWhenever I was 8 years old , My first out of State trip to Florida because getting to play against the top kids in the country was something I wanted to get used to

PWhat advice would you give to young baseball players striving to get where you are?

SI would say to Young Baseball players who are striving to get where I’m at , is HUSTLE ON AND OFF THE FIELD. Work hard without looking for an applause and to Be Yourself, God made only one you so don’t try to be anybody else but the best version of yourself.

PWhat is the most memorable moment in your baseball career to this point?

SI would have to Say winning the PBR National Program Invitational last year with The best Organization in travel ball, USA Prime

PPreview your high school team's season for us. How do you feel your team will be?

SLast year we got to the playoffs for the first time in 32 years and lost in Round One of the playoffs . So this year we are older and looking to make a run for the state championship.