Prep Baseball Report

Q&A with Missouri Southern Commit LHP Scott Duensing (Blue Valley Northwest, 2018)

Shon Plack
Kansas Scouting Director

Scott Duensing (Blue Valley Northwest, 2018) has committed to play at Missouri Southern in Joplin, Missouri.  Here is a look inside the recruiting process for Scott Duensing.

PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it as expected? Easy/Difficult?

Duensing: I believed the recruiting process would be an interesting process. I never really knew in detail how it worked until it was happening to me. I thought the coaches tried to make the process as easy as possible by balancing out each other’s schedules to find dates to meet, and texting back and forth. The hardest part was deciding where to go. 

PBR: Did location or distance from home play a factor in your decision?

Duensing: I never wanted to get too far away from home. I wanted to be able to drive home for a weekend, and have my family come up and watch us play when they wanted to.


Where did Missouri Southern first see you? How did your relationship develop with them?

Duensing: Coach Tuck first saw me at the JCCC showcase in January 2017. Coach Tuck came out to watch me a couple times in the summer after that, then we began texting back and forth to keep in touch.

PBR: Who is the best player you have faced in your state, and why?

Duensing: I would say Jake Randa is the best hitter I have ever battled against. He’s got a great ability of hitting to both sides of the field, and big pull-side power.

PBR: What advice would you give to young baseball players striving to get where you are?

Duensing: Don’t overthink the numbers part of the game. Height and weight will come with time as will velocity. But those results won’t be given, they must be earned.

PBR: What do you do in the offseason to keep yourself in baseball shape and prepare for the upcoming season?

Duensing: I work with Bob Zimmerman and the Premier baseball staff in the offseason to practice things such as: arm care and gaining velocity.

PBR: What is the most memorable moment in your baseball career to this point?

Duensing: Being at the bottom of the dog pile in the regional championship game after recording the final out to take our team to state. Also, finishing 3rd in the state of Kansas for 6A baseball.

PBR: What do you like most about Missouri Southern and what were the key factors in making your decision?

Duensing: Incredible facilities that will be used for future development, along with the educational side of having a major I am interested in studying. 

PBR: What other schools were on your short list before you made your final decision?

Duensing: The University of Central Missouri was the other option I was considering.

PBR: When did the recruiting process really start to heat up for you? Was there a particular game or event that you feel turned the corner for you?

Duensing: After having good outings in Nashville and Atlanta, the recruiting process began to heat up. After pitching at Vanderbilt, I began to get more interest at my following tournaments.

PBR: Preview your high school season for us. How do you feel your team will be? What are your expectations and goals?

Duensing: I have got strong confidence for my upcoming high school season. We have got a strong pitching staff consisting of: Will Dennis, Max Abramovich, and myself. Along with a strong defense and good bats in the lineup, our goal is to exceed what we did last year and compete for a state championship. 

PBR: Where do you play in the summer? And what has been your most memorable experience with them?

Duensing: I play for the Mac-N-Seitz Elite in the summer. Traveling with the team around the country has made unforgettable memories I will never forget. Pitching against and defeating some nationally ranked teams was a highlight of the summer.


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