Prep Baseball Report

Q&A with Kent State commit Dominic Kibler

Isaiah Glidden
PBR Wisconsin Staff

One of the best pure hitters in the states ‘23 class, C/INF Dominic Kibler (New Berlin West), rose up in our states ‘23 rankings. Kibler is now situated in the top-15 due to a standout performance as a member of Team Wisconsin at the PBR Future Games. After an impressive round of BP down at Lakepoint, Kibler went two-for-two in Team Wisconsin’s first game while also driving in a run, leaving LakePoint as a major winner in our eyes. Shortly after the Future Games Kibler announced his commitment to Kent State as he is the tenth member of Team Wisconsin to announce their commitment. 

We had the chance to talk with Kibler about his recruiting process, favorite baseball memory and how he thinks his high school team will be this spring.


Scouting Report


Positional Profile: C. High-level left-handed hitter in the 2023 class.
Body: 5-foot-8, 180-pounds. Strong, compact build.
Hit: LHH. Balanced, simple setup, short stride, smooth pre-pitch actions. Advanced short bat path, direct to the ball, easy effort, barrel works efficiently through the zone, consistent hard line-drives, used middle of the field.
Power: 94.46 max exit velocity, averaged 91.92 mph. 317’ max distance.
Arm: RH. C - 77 mph. Short arm action, high 3/4 arm slot, throws flash carry.
Defense: 2.06-2.15 pop times. Quick transfer, feet quickly gain ground toward second base, ability to deaden balls when blocking.
Run: 7.27 runner in the 60.


PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? What were you looking for out of a college program to continue your baseball career at?

Kibler: Looking for a college was a very long and tedious process. I started looking at schools that were known for their Business and Marketing. I also took into consideration the type of relationship a team can form and what kind of coaching style that team has and what I enjoy. 

P: Did location or distance from home play a factor in your decision?

K: Not necessarily. At first it didn’t, but as I started thinking about the decision I made, it definitely became a factor. As a very family-involved individual, I wanted to make sure I was close enough to where I can still visit my family a couple times a year. 

P: When did the recruiting process really start to heat up for you? Where did the school you committed to first see you play?

K: During the summer of 2021 is when it really started to heat up. We were playing in the MPL at Grand Park where Kent State first saw me. It also started to heat up during the Future Games. I played well that weekend and received a lot of attention afterwards.

P: What do you like most about the program you chose, and what were the key factors in making your decision?

K: The relationship I built with the coaches was definitely a huge factor that played into my decision. Coach Barrett Serrato in particular had the opportunity to come watch me play a handful of times and as a player, it shows a lot when a coach is willing to come watch you play. What I like most about the program is the camaraderie among the players and the drive that the program has to become successful year in and year out.

P: What other schools were on your short list before you made your final decision?

K: My list included other schools like Creighton, Bradley, Minnesota, Ohio, Cincinnati, Miami (Ohio), and UW-Milwaukee. 

P: Who is the best player you have faced in your state? What about them makes for a tough opponent?

K: The best player I’ve had to face would probably be Gavyn Bowen. I was fortunate enough to have faced him at the All State Games and unfortunately for me, I got handed the short end of the stick. As a hitter, those lefty-lefty matchups are tough. When a lefty like him has a command for all his pitches and has a slider that’s able to sweep away from the batter, you know he can play. As a person who’s in the same high school Conference as him, it’s nice knowing that I’ll have the chance to face him for two more years. 

P: At what point in your career did you realize you were a college-caliber player and became serious about taking your game to the next level?

K: Growing up I was always involved with baseball and I played at some competitive levels at a young age. Going into Middle School, that’s when I became a lot stronger and really started to develop a goal-oriented mindset. I wrote different goals I wanted to achieve each year and as I was attaining those goals, that’s when I noticed my game changing. Going into Highschool and becoming a part of GRB, the coaches at GRB-MKE really provided me with the tools and teaching of adding more to my game every single day to play at the next level. Huge shoutout to the whole GRB organization and how they have had a huge impact on my ability to play baseball. 

P: What advice would you give to young baseball players striving to get where you are?

K: Put the work in every single day. Too many kids think they can just get somewhere without working hard to achieve what they dream of. Go hit at the cages, get your defensive work in, learn the basics of weight lifting and start incorporating that into your work. The more work you put in, the more that work will transition into the games and you’ll stand out amongst the others. 

P: What is the most memorable moment in your baseball career to this point?

K: My commitment is something that really stands out. I will never forget that phone call. Telling Kent State that I chose them to continue my baseball career was one of the best experiences I have had and I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to tell them. 

P: Preview your high school team's season for us. How do you feel your team will be?

K: We will be a much more upperclassman-heavy squad compared to some of the other teams we will play. We will have an all around solid team, with strengths in the lineup and strengths on the mound. We were able to make a name for ourselves last year, but was ultimately cut short due to a loss in Regionals. We have the opportunity to turn it around this year and make some noise. New Berlin West will be in the top 25 in the state.