Prep Baseball Report

Q&A with Arizona State Commit James Valdivia

Brian Feekin
Nebraska Scouting Director

By Brian Feekin

 Prep Baseball Report Nebraska

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PBR: Why did you choose Arizona State?

I chose Arizona State because it has been my dream school for as long as I can remember and it’s what I’ve been working for my whole life, so when I got the opportunity I just couldn’t pass it up.

PBR: What other schools were you considering?

The other schools I was considering were Iowa, Creighton, Nebraska, K State, Minnesota, Arkansas.

PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with them?

Coach Cather saw me at a workout I did in Des Moines and they called after and Invited me down to a camp two weeks later. They showed me around a little bit and then we were in contact following the camp.

PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?

There wasn’t one deciding factor. I’ve always been in love with Arizona State and the history of their baseball program, and being able to be apart of it was something I have always dreamed of. Everything seemed to fall into place and it just felt right.

PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?

I’ve been blessed with amazing coaches my whole baseball career, who have all helped me tremendously. However, my dad has had the most influence on the player I am today. We are always working on understanding the game and studying the swing. He puts in the same amount of work as I do, if not more, and is just as committed to this process as I am.

PBR: Going into your junior season next spring, what are your expectations for your team?

This year my expectations are to play every game like it matters and prepare ourselves for post season and to win state. Our team is special this year and we all have each other’s backs. It’s going to be an exciting ride this spring.

PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?

My most memorable moment to this day is hitting a home run my first tournament back this fall after breaking my leg.

PBR: Who is the hardest pitcher in the state to get a hit off of?

Without a doubt the hardest pitcher to get a hit off of is Kyle Perry. I’ve played with him and against him for many years, and the kid is a competitor in everything and a bulldog on the mound.