Prep Baseball Report

Preseason All-State Central: Trackman Traits Top Pitches (Part 2)

Mason McRae
PBR Virginia/DC

The expanded usage of data, and the importance of it in regards to player development and player assessment is a legitimate, undeniable tool used by high school, college, and professional teams across the country. Today we break down some of the data from our recent Preseason All-State Central event in Richmond, VA. See which players stood out in regards to Trackman data. 

Glossary Terms Intro & Links:

Induced Vertical Break: VB or IVB
Vertical Approach Angle: VAA 
Horizontal Break: HB
Release Speed: RS or Velo
Release Height: RH or RelHei


Bryce Vick’s fastball: Averaged out at 79.6 mph with 1,903 rpm, 21.2 inches of VB, -10.3 inches of HB, and a 5.13 release height. Had one of the flatter VAA’s on a pitch at a 3.7 PlaLocHei with 4.0 degrees. Also had one fastball just outside at a 3.2 PlaLocHei with a 4.0 degree VAA, which would’ve been about 3.76 degrees prorating it for a 3.5 PlaLocHei pitch (top of zone). Another fun element of his fastball is that 11 of his 14 fastballs were higher than 20.0 inches.


Ethan Hamill’s SL: Averaged 4.2 inches of lift with -14.0 inches of HB at 72.2 mph. It’s got a combination of top, side and gyro spin with more a sweeper shape but a power slurve look to it. Threw it at 9:30. Had the fourth highest average velo among sliders at the event. Threw it in the zone 50% of the time.


Jaden Kinsler’s fastball: One of the most interesting fastballs because it has the raw traits hard to find and some underlying traits you'd like to tweak. Threw it at 10:30 which is referred to as the dead zone because you get equal parts movement wise. But he throws his fastball so hard (on average at 86.2), and has high spin (2,280 rpm) because of it. Averaged 16.9 inches of VB with -18.7 inches of HB. This is a true sinker, but if you shift his axis a few minutes vertically to about 11:00 you’re likely working with 19 inches of VB, and 13 inches of HB. It's a high efficiency pitch, and he has high spin, but he hasn't turned the raw spin into useful movement just yet.