Prep Baseball Report

Pidek Finds College Future In His Own Backyard

Bruce Hefflinger
PBR Michigan Senior Writer

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Pidek Finds College Future In His Own Backyard

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Pidek Finds College Future In His Own Backyard

TROY - When Oakland University came into the picture it did not take long for Hunter Pidek to make a college commitment.

“It happened relatively fast, within a two-week period,” the Troy Athens senior explained. “They saw a video on twitter and their pitching coach, Dan McKinney, reached out. I had looked at it before and liked what I saw with academics and stuff. I kind of picked his brain on how they run things, the mentality they have and they offered. I accepted right on the spot.”

Oakland was impressed with what the 26th-rated 2021 right-handed pitcher in the state could provide the program.

“They like my build and that I understand how to pitch,” Pidek noted. “They like the data side of things with me, the spin rates and mechanics.”

While the process with Oakland went quickly, it was a little more than a year ago that the drive to play college baseball took a turn for Pidek.

“It was October of last year (2019),” the 5-11 156-pounder reflected. “I was at an Ed Santa showcase and my fastball was 76-78. At that point I had no looks at all. Whatever I was doing was not working. So I put in a lot of work that offseason. A year later at that same showcase I’m 88.”

Determination and a strong work ethic were credited by Pidek.

“I went to 2SP Sports in Madison Heights two ... three ... four times a week working on mechanical stuff and, honestly, just putting in more time,” Pidek related. “They say hard work pays off and it came true in my case.”

Davenport, Wayne State and Adrian were colleges showing an interest in the 74th-ranked senior in Michigan before Oakland moved to the front.

“What sold me were the academics, it has a great campus and a prestigious business program,” pointed out the fourth-rated uncommitted 2021 right-handed pitcher at the time of his decision to attend Oakland. “The coaches have a winning mentality and I like the tenacity they have and the way they go at it.”

Though it was the fall of senior school year and no commitment had been made, the 17-year-old had little worries when it came to a future in the sport he loved.

“I knew I was going to play baseball in college,” Pidek said. “I’ve waited so long for it, I just wanted to make sure it was the right fit. But I knew it would be a challenge with covid.”

That changed recruitment as it was known.

“It was not what I expected,” Pidek admitted. “It was kind of crazy with covid taking money away from schools. It was nothing I imagined it would be.”

Help came in battling through the difficulties found during the pandemic.

“My parents were big in all of this, putting in all their time and money and taking me to PBRs,” Pidek noted. “The PBR website really helped with updates and videos.”

It benefitted the cause which began not long ago.

“I started wanting to play baseball in college two summers ago,” Pidek reflected. “Two of my summer coaches were talking and I heard what college baseball meant to them. I realized then that’s what I wanted to do.”

Now it is a reality at the Horizon League school in Rochester Hills, just 15 minutes away from his home in Troy.

“Early on I was looking at schools close by but I didn’t foresee going to Oakland,” admitted Pidek, a 3.07 student planning to major in business. “But I put in a lot of time working to make it happen and it all worked out.

“It’s one of the best feelings I’ve had in a long time,” Pidek added about making the commitment official. “In that moment I knew everything I had done and all the hardships I had gone through had paid off. I was going to be playing college baseball.”