Prep Baseball Report

PBR OK's Top Moments in 2022: Jarrett Flaggert Launches 18th Homer

Scott Hood
OK/MO/KS/ARK Assistant Scouting Director

As 2022 comes to a close and we move into 2023 we want to take a look back at the top moments from the entire year covered by Prep Baseball Report Oklahoma.  We aim to provide the most comprehensive coverage of high school baseball in the State from our events as well as covering as many high school games as possible.  2022 was a banner year in Oklahoma with multiple players and programs making big jumps, picking up big hits, strong performances on the mound, and some crazy walk-off wins.  Be sure to follow along in 2023 as we aim to grow our coverage and be the true one-stop shop for all things Oklahoma High School baseball.

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Flaggert had always shown some serious hand strength throughout his high school career but it all came together in his senior season when he sent 18 balls over the fence.  Those 18 homers led the state in 2022 as well as tying a Choctaw school record.  Flaggert would then parlay that success into a commitment to Wichita State where he is currently on the roster.  




Scouting Report



Body: 6-3, 195-pounds. Physical and projectable frame with present strength.
 Hit: RHH. Slightly open stance with a crouched upper body posture.  Hands get set just above shoulder height with a high back elbow and a 45 degree barrel angle. Strong weight shift into the back side with a smooth rhythm.  Quick two tap stride with foot getting down early.  Hits off a soft front leg. Hands work quickly through the zone with good overall bat speed.  Shows the ability to drive the ball to all fields.  Hits with good leverage and shows the ability to get extended.  Strong rotation around the core.
 Power: 89.81 max exit velocity, averaged 79.39 mph. 286’ max distance. Very strong hands and power potential.
 Arm: RH.  INF - 82 mph. OF - 86 mph. High 3/4 arm slot with a loose arm action.
 Defense: In the outfield attacks the ball with shorter strides and controlled rhythm.  Fields the ball out in front of the glove side leg with developing glove action and a firm glove.   Quick shuffle style crow hop with good momentum headed towards the target.  In the infield attacks the ball with shorter strides and a feel for routes working around the ball.  Fields with a high waist bend and some glove action.  Shows good lateral range.
 Run: 7.14 runner in the 60. 

Delivery: Rocker style footwork around the rubber with an up tempo and quick pace.  Works to a high balance point with a strong weight stack onto the back leg and good posture in the upper body.  Hands work up and down with the lower half and break smoothly from the glove at the top of the delivery.  Works from the middle of the rubber and strides directionally down the center of the mound with very strong direction and momentum headed towards the plate.  Short sink into the back leg with slight push off the rubber landing into a firm plant leg.
Arm Action: RH. Over the top arm slot with a loose arm action.
FB: T82.21, 79.10-81.73 mph. Very strong riding life through the zone with good tilting action to the bottom of the zone. T2344, 2183 average rpm.
CB: 72.92-73.21 mph. Tight shape with good spin and 12/6 action. T2491, 2414 average rpm.
SL: 72.20-74.94 mph. Tight cutting action with strong spin and late depth. T2498, 2427 average rpm.




Positional Profile: MIF

Body: 6-foot-3, 190-pound long and lean frame with room for added strength and size in the future.

Hit: RHH.  At the plate starts with a neutral stance and athletic posture.  Hands set at shoulder height with a high back elbow.  Two-tap rhythm with the lower half with good weight transfer from the backside into a firm front side.  Does a good job of working the lower half underneath the ball to match plane with the pitch.  Hands work quickly through the zone and shows some real strength at contact.  Shows present and future power potential with good overall bat speed and strong lower half.  Level bat path and likes to work the middle of the field.

Power: 99 mph exit velocity off the tee and 96 mph exit velocity during BP.

Arm: RH.  INF-85 mph.  Over the top arm slot with longer arm action and high release point. 

Defense: In the infield works around the ball with longer strides and shows a developing feel for rhythm with the feet.  Plays underneath the ball with a good fielding position.  Fields the ball out in front with a stiff glove action.  Covers a ground laterally with longer strides.  Clean transfer out of the glove on the slow roller with good technique.

Run: 7.09 runner in the 60.




Positional Profile: SS/3B

Body: Projectable 6-foot-3, 190-pound frame with present strength and athleticism.

Hit: RHH. Athletic, balanced stance with quiet hands. Quick leg lift load and short stride. Aggressive line-drive swing on plane through the zone. Consistent barrels during BP.

Power: 95 mph exit velocity from the tee and 94 in BP. Solid hand speed.

Arm: RH. INF - 82 mph. OF - 84 mph. Quick arm action from an over-the-top release slot.

Defense: In the infield, soft hands and clean exchanges. Athletic actions. In the outfield, average footwork and glove to field. Plays through ball and throws with good momentum towards home.

Run: 7.43 runner in the 60.




Positional Profile: SS / 3B
Body: 6-foot-3, 190-pounds,
Defense: INF – 81 mph, fields the ball out front, gets entire body into his throw, arm works,
Arm: Right-handed, over the top release, strong arm
Hit: Right-handed, starts in a wider stance, simple load, quiet with hands, creates some angle with his barrel, aggressive swing, hard contact, flat bat path, exit velocity of 90 mph.
Run: 7.30 second runner in the 60




Jarrett Flaggert: 2B/SS, (2022) Choctaw, OK. 6-foot-2, 180-pound athletic frame. At the plate, the right-handed hitter's 93 mph exit velocity showed his ability to drive the ball with power. Started in a wide stance with a big load, then used a controlled stride before his swing. Has simple swing plane, above average bat speed and level finish. He Barreled up multiple balls with loud contact. Gap to gap approach. Above average in the infield, recorded a position velocity of 76 mph; had soft sure hands, athletic developing footwork and a exchange. Showed a short arm action and a high ¾ slot. In the 60-yard dash, he clocked a time of 7.51.




Jarrett Flaggert: 2B/SS, (2022) Choctaw, OK. 6-foot-2, 175-pound slim frame. During batting practice, Flaggert showed power in the box with an exit velocity of 94 mph. Begins in an athletic stance with a controlled load, then uses a small leg kick before his swing. Bat speed was explosive, showed flat swing plane and low finish. Found multiple barrels with loud contact. Gap to gap approach. In the infield, his position velocity was registered at 76 mph; has athletic feet, sure hands and a natural exchange. Consistent accuracy to the bag, used a short arm action with a high ¾ slot. In the 60-yard dash, he clocked a time of 7.61.