Prep Baseball Report

PBR NE - Top 10 Most Viewed Profiles of 2021 - #7

Pascal Paul
Prep Baseball Report Nebraska

Over the next 10 days we we will be counting down the 2021 calendar year with a look at the Top Ten Viewed Profiles Of 2021. After combing through our google analytics, we have compiled a list of the ten most viewed profiles on the PBR Nebraska website by you, the readers, over the past year.

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Scouting Report



Positional Profile: 3B. Florida State Commit.
Body: 6-foot-3, 180-pounds.  Long and lean athletic build.
Defense: Athletic, mature actions, works well out front and to baseball
Arm: Right.INF - 79 mph.Long high 3/4
Hit: Right. Slightly open stance, small leg kick trigger to get to square at contact Compact slightly uphill bat path. Quick hands. Gap to gap approach with occasional hard contact to pull side during round of BP.
Power: 92 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Run: 7.34 runner in the 60.