Prep Baseball Report

PBR MN- Top 10 Most Viewed Profiles of 2021- #5

Maggie Kennedy
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

Over the next 10 days we we will be counting down the 2021 calendar year with a look at the Top Ten Viewed Profiles Of 2021. After combing through our google analytics, we have compiled a list of the ten most viewed profiles on the PBR Minnesota website by you, the readers, over the past year.

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Scouting Report



Positional Profile: RHP - Ranked 408th Nationally in PBR 2023 Class.
Body: 6-foot-2, 165-pounds. - Lean projectable frame
Defense: Balanced. Glove works low to high. Average to block.Clean exchange and average footwork.  2:02-2:09 pop times.
Arm: C - 81 mph. Above average carry
Hit: Open stance. Rhythm in load.  Swing/hands work down and through contact. Loose at times creating bat speed. Flashed hard contact at times  
Power: 86 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Run: 7.26 runner in the 60. 

Delivery: Toes over rubber. Good tempo. Side step into athletic balance position. Stays over back leg and lands with good direction
Arm Action: Athletic. Clean and quick.  Good out front.
FB: T88, 84-88 mph. Straight with life
CB: 72-74 mph. 11/5 break with average depth
SL: 80-83 mph. 10/4 yanks glove side




Position: RHP/C
Body: 6-foot-1, 156-pound lanky frame
Hit: Starts in a balanced open stance with a quick compact load, then uses a controlled stride to initiate his swing. Some bat speed.
Power: 83 mph exit velocity. Line drive approach.
Defense: Catcher, Consistent soft hands, developing exchange, average footwork. Smooth. Some flexibility and athletic setup. Laterally, his movements were athletic.
Arm: 80 mph Catcher Velocity. 2.06-2.09 pop times. Quick arm action, consistent accuracy.
Speed: 7.09

Pitching: Projectable. Feel delivery, easy effort. High ¾ arm angle, good arm speed, quick arm action. Athletic balance point, lands square.
FB: T85. 84-85 mph. Running action, heavy movement.
CB: 72-73 mph. Tight action, 11/5 movement.
CH: 75-76 mph. Sinking action. 




Positional Profile: C/RHP
Body: 6-0, 145-pounds. Long and lanky
Hit: RHH. Open with high handset. Strides to square.Controlled swing with extension.Gap to gap approach with line drive contact
Power: 82 mph exit velocity from the tee. Consistent and solid contact
Arm: RH. C - 79 mph. Long to short arm action.
Defense: 2.00-2.13 pop times. Average setup.Inconsistent exchange with long footwork.Average receiver and down to block with narrow stance.
Run: 7.29 runner in the 60. 

Body: 6-0, 145-pounds. Long, wirey frame.
Delivery: Balanced with good direction down the mound. Stretch only.
Arm Action: RH. Compact, clean high 3/4 arm action.
FB: T86, 79-82 mph. Straight.
CB: 64-68 mph. 11/5 break with avg. spin and shape.
CH: 71-74 mph. Avg sink and slight cut action.