Prep Baseball Report

PBR IA Commitment Spotlight: '20 Ty Langenberg, RHP, Urbandale

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Iowa

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PBR: Why did you choose the school you did?
LANGENBERG: I chose the University of Iowa because I felt as if they were the perfect fit for me when considering all of my preferences.  I also believed that Iowa would do their best to better me while in their program to help me strive to achieve my dream of playing Major League Baseball.

PBR: What other schools were you considering?
LANGENBERG: I considered schools such as Eastern Illinois, Nebraska, Tulane, and looked into a few junior colleges/community colleges around the state.  I decided to look at many different sizes of programs because I knew that bigger sometimes didn't mean better in terms of finding the right fit for my future.

PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with him?
LANGENBERG: I was first seen by the Iowa staff at the Iowa Underclass Prospect Games held by PBR in Iowa City.  The first phone call was nerve-racking, but over time, I began to feel comfortable when I would call them as the topic would not only be over baseball, but my personal life as well which was a connection that I had been searching for.

PBR: Do you feel relieved now that the process is over and you can just focus on baseball and not deal with everything that goes into picking a school?
LANGENBERG: I feel very relieved to have finished the recruiting process because I now know that I will be entering a program that will do their best to take care of me.  I no longer have the stress of my future bearing down on me while I'm out there on the mound.

PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?
LANGENBERG: The deciding factors for me were the coaching staff and players. When I visited Iowa, something that really stood out to me was the fact that the players came to introduce themselves to me and even talk to me for a little bit.  The fact that the players were open and friendly to me really aided my decision because I wanted to be around people that would push me to become better and become my friend as well.  The fact that I was able to connect with the coaching staff and talk to them with ease was extremely important to me as well.

PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?
LANGENBERG: There are many people that have played big roles in my success in getting to this point.  However, I believe the person that played the biggest role would be PBR's Rob Allison.  I know that he has done his best to help make my goal a reality during events such as the Future Games and the Underclass Prospect Games.  The fact that he made calls and put my name out there to coaches has really stuck with me and I can't thank him enough.

PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it easy/difficult?
LANGENBERG: I honestly did not have many expectations for the recruiting process as I did not know much about it in general.  However, over the course of the recruiting process I learned that it can be difficult keep updated with coaches and other aspects of the recruiting process during school and other extracurricular activities.  I had to do my best to organize my schedule in a way that would allow me to keep updated with all aspects of the process.

PBR: What plans does the coaching staff have in store for you in your freshman season?
LANGENBERG: The coaching staff at Iowa have a plan to analyse my pitching and to create a daily schedule for me based off of my needs for improvement. I am also aware that they will do there best to make me stronger while paying close attention to diet and my overall health.

PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?
LANGENBERG: My most memorable moment in baseball would be when I came in for relief for our starter during the 2018 Iowa State Baseball Semi-final game. I came in when we were down 3-0 and pitched 3 shutout innings to allow our team to come back and take the lead to win the game. I will never forget how I felt when I was called upon to pitch in that game or how I felt after I had had the best outing of my career.

PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?
LANGENBERG: I have competed against many great baseball players and events such as the Future Games.  However, the best player that I have competed against would have to be Carter Baumler.  He is an exceptional hitter and pitcher that appears to make the game look easy. In times that I have pitched against him, he has displayed great patience and power that matches no one else. His pitching is outstanding due to the fact that he throws very hard with dangerous off-speed, all while making it look very smooth.