Prep Baseball Report

PBR IA- Top 10 Most Viewed Profiles of 2021- #8

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Iowa

Over the next 10 days we we will be counting down the 2021 calendar year with a look at the Top Ten Viewed Profiles Of 2021. After combing through our google analytics, we have compiled a list of the ten most viewed profiles on the PBR Iowa website by you, the readers, over the past year.

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#8 -

Scouting Report



5-foot-7, 150-pound switch hitting shortstop. #190 ranked player in PBR Overall for 2022 class. 4.19 home to first time. LHH- Easy body load, short to contact, inconsistent contact during BP. RHH- longer path, slight hitch, mid/pull approach, 84 mph exit velocity. Above avg. actions with ability to field at high level, soft hands, plays with quickness and is confident in field, accurate arm with carry to bag, 85 mph arm strength across infield.




5-foot-7, 140-pound switch hitting shortstop. 7.13 runner. LHH- square stance, body load, athletic in box, line drive swing plane, consistent hard contact to mid/pull side of field. RHH- similar mechanics from right-side, works more up and through contact, barrels ball consistently, line drive and ground ball contact, gap to gap approach, 81 mph exit velocity. Active in field with first step quickness, confident angles and routes, feet and hands work well in field, shows above avg. actions on body control plays, 84 mph arm across infield.