Prep Baseball Report

Southern Nevada Spotlight-Uncommitted Middle Infielder

Buddy Gouldsmith
Nevada Scouting Director


Desert Oasis played in Mesquite, NV this past weekend, going 3-1 in their four games.   Their sole loss coming at the hands of Cottonwood High School of Utah in their third game.  The Diamondbacks pitching was led by one of PBR Nevada’s top prospects in Aaron Roberts (2019), RHP/1B.  Roberts was up to 94 on the mound and sat 92 in the first inning.  He relied heavily on his fastball. He did feature a breaking ball and changeup, but neither were needed much as he made quick work of opposing hitters.  Offensively shortstop, Zac Czerniawski (2019), had a good weekend.   After the four games, Czerniawski wore opponents down and it became clear that he will be ready to play at the next level.  Today, our Southern Nevada spotlight shines brightly on Zac Czerniawksi.

Zac Czerniawksi, SS, Desert Oasis, 2019

A maturing 6-foot-0, 170, Czerniawski has an athletic build with signs of wiry strength. On site defensively, he makes the plays.  With rhythm in his footwork and exchange, he has all the makings of a good infielder. Infield progressions will create consistency and add carry to a playable arm, providing the opportunity to be a stay at home shortstop.  The unrefined athleticism of his game will lend to a higher ceiling. His bat carries him with an aggressive approach and sneaky power. He stands in the box with hands just above shoulder height, loading to his shoulder.  His swing is triggered by a manageable leg kick. He ran well underway with multiple extra base hits to his credit. He ran the bases aggressively and showed good instincts on dirt ball reads. Repeated looks provided appeal and he will be a solid addition to a college program looking for a developing infielder capable of playing all three infield positions.

Q and A with Zac Czerniawski:

PBR: What schools have you been hearing from?

ZC: I haven’t really heard from anyone, I know that my coaches have talked to some schools for  me, but no one has contacted me directly.

PBR: I have you taken any unofficial or official visits? 

ZC: I really haven’t explored any options to this point, and I don’t have anything scheduled.  At  this time, I am just trying to keep all my options open and stay optimistic about what might be out  there for me.

PBR: Do you have a time line for your recruitment?

ZC: Obviously, my initial goals were to have an opportunity to sign with a Division 1 school and I  still hope that may happen, but if not, then I am just looking for an opportunity to continue  my education and baseball career at a school that is a good fit for me.

PBR: Tell us about your academics.

ZC: I have a 3.2 GPA and a 3.7 weighted GPA. I scored 23 on my ACT.

PBR :What showcases or events have been most meaningful to you?

ZC: Unfortunately, I have not been to a PBR event because they just started in Nevada, but the Junior Fall Classic in Arizona and the Area Code Tryouts were both good.