Prep Baseball Report

Kent State Had Everything Hendrickx Wanted

Bruce Hefflinger
PBR Ohio Senior Writer

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Kent State Had Everything Hendrickx Wanted

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Kent State Had Everything Hendrickx Wanted

HUDSON - Kent State had everything that Andrew Hendrickx was looking for in a college. It made his decision an easy one after the Mid-American Conference school offered the Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy incoming junior.

“I had a virtual visit and after that coach (Jeff) Duncan offered,” Hendrickx reflected. “It was pretty exciting. About two weeks after that I accepted.

“I realized there is nothing any other school can provide when it comes to academics, baseball, location and coaching that Kent can give me. I love the staff. They have a very good reputation.”

A phone call in February ignited the recruitment of Hendrickx, who was the seventh-rated uncommitted 2022 in the state at that point in time.

“I got a call from my summer ball team Ohio Elite which is very connected with Kent,” Henrickx said. “Rob McNerney said to give them a call. I called once a week after that until the offer.”

Kent State had seen the 6-2 175-pound shortstop and right-handed pitcher one time at a CVCA practice.

“They love my athleticism and my projectability,” pointed out Hendrickx, who at the PBR 2019 Underclass Games was listed in four categories - Most Projectable Arm, Best Hands In Field, Most Tools and Best Swing. “They like me as a shortstop and they see me coming in as a reliever, too.”

Pitching came into the picture in ninth grade.

“I’m relatively new to pitching, I only started going on the mound in high school,” the 26th-ranked 2022 in Ohio noted. “I’d always thrown pretty hard, but freshman year I really started to throw hard. It was then I started throwing a decent amount of innings, but I had to learn how to pitch to different kinds of hitters.”

It was only a year earlier that Hendrickx started considering the idea of playing baseball at the next level.

“It was the summer of eighth grade that I figured out I can do this,” Hendrickx related. “It’s been a dream of mine since then that I want to be a D-I player. I saw myself progressing at that point. I played on a solid youth baseball team, the Ohio Bombers, and was selected an All-Star at a national tournament in Myrtle Beach.”

Ohio State, Purdue and Minnesota all showed an interest in the eighth-rated 2022 shortstop in Ohio, with Ball State and Xavier others in the mix of schools Hendrickx passed up for Kent State.

“I feel I had the best opportunity to go to Kent as a two-way, and play earlier,” Hendrickx explained. “It’s something that’s important to me.”

Hendrickx understands what needs to happen prior to arriving at Kent State in two years.

“I definitely want to gain more power,” Hendrickx said. “I need to put on some weight. I also want to become more polished on the mound and gain some experience.”

It will certainly take hard work, but it is nothing new to the CVCA junior.

“Lifting has been a huge help for me,” Hendrickx noted. “Along with my natural body development and my arm strength, I’ve been putting in a lot of extra work. I’ve been hitting the baseball in my basement off the tee and into a net.”

Others have been beneficial in getting Hendrickx to this part of his baseball path.

“My dad (Ethan) and my family have really helped provide for me financially and drive me to all of these baseball tournaments,” Hendrickx said. “My high school and summer coaches have also helped me on this journey. My high school coach Jason Herblet at CVCA has really helped me grow as a human. He’s great at helping us learn to be great teammates and servant leaders and put your teammates first.

“Randy Rundgren, my summer head coach, and Rob McNearney, vice president of Ohio Elite, have also been a lot of help.”

Business finance is the expected college major for Hendrickx, a 4.1 student happy to have the recruiting process completed.

“I didn’t know what it would be like going in,” Hendrickx admitted. “It was stressful at times, but it worked out and I’m happy where I’m at. It was definitely a cool experience.”

The 16-year-old believes the future will be as well.

“I feel I can definitely be a leader and a great teammate at Kent,” Hendrickx said. “I bring a lot of energy and a positive attitude. I’m a great teammate and a hard worker.”