Prep Baseball Report

Get to Know: Michael Lucarelli

TJ Hunt
Director, PBR New Jersey

As the new year has come and gone, it's time to delve into the annual "Get to Know" segment. Each year prior to the season, we interview several of the state's top ranked seniors to get a look at the behind the scenes preparation for the spring. To keep us going, we sit down with Tulane commit, SS Michael Lucarelli.

Get to Know: Michael Lucarelli

Tell us about the decision-making process for your commitment? How excited are you to play there?
My decision making process was pretty straightforward. I was looking for the best of both worlds, a great baseball program and academic institution. Also, picking a school that I felt I would have a good opportunity to play as soon as possible was a determining factor. The coaching staff was also very influential. I wanted a school that had coaches who truly cared about the person. The respect and care I got from the coaches at Tulane, even before I was committed, was unlike any other school that I was talking too. The first time I stepped on campus it immediately felt like home. I’ve gone to visit Tulane on three separate occasions and every time I’ve gone, I’ve gotten more excited to be on campus.

If you were a baseball scout and just watched yourself play, what would that scouting report look like?
One of my biggest strengths on the field is my aggression. Whether it’s in the box, on the base path, or on defense, I’m always looking for some way I can make a positive play and get my team ahead. I’m very intense once I step on the field, but loose, which I think scouts could pick up on right away. Being a fundamental player would also definitely be on the report. I try to make baseball as simple as it can get. Sticking to my fundamentals not only slows the game down, but keeps me in a rhythm that’s hard to break.
We are knee-deep into the off-season schedule. Tell us about your training, and spring preparation.
Obviously, lifting and getting stronger are a huge part of offseason training. I’ve been going to a personal trainer for speed and strength on top of going to the gym on my own around five days a week. I’ve also began to start throwing and long tossing at least four times a week to built my arm strength up, so when the season approaches it will be in top shape. Eating the right foods to put on muscle and getting good sleep for recovery is something that’s not talked about as much, but from what I’ve learned those two things can take a player to the next level. And, of course, hitting and fielding several days a week are paramount to development.
Name three goals for the upcoming season.
My biggest goal is for my team to make a deep run in the astarte tournament. We’ve played well the past couple of years but I would love to be the guy leading my team into a State Final. Secondly, having a quality at ball ever time I step in the box. I hit .460 last year but understand that I may not see many pitches to hit this year. But I can work on my plate discipline and approach so that when I do see a pitch to hit, I drive it. I’ve have gained a lot more knowledge on my approach and adjustments needing to be made pitch by pitch. I think this year it will be extremely hard to get me out. My last goal is becoming a better teammate and strengthening the bond of our team. As the captain of my team, this is one of the responsibilities I am looking forward to. A team preforms better when all players are on the same page and comfortable with each other.
Do you have any pregame superstitions?
I’m not really much of a superstition guy, although I have things I do before every game that helps me lock in. One is shutting my phone off. Once I start to get ready for a game, I don’t like to have any other worries or distractions other than the game itself. I can’t give my 100% focus if I’m texting people or even going through social media. Another thing I like to do is go to the back of our dugout and take 3 minutes to close my eyes and breathe. I’ve seen that this routine helps me turn on that switch when it’s time to play and helps me relax once it’s time to start. To add, I haven’t done this in the past, but this year before every game I want the team to huddle up and pray. I’ve done this with my summer team and it definitely helps me understand why I’m playing baseball and that although I’m there to 100% compete, we must have fun as well.
Who is the best player you have played against in your high school career so far? What makes that player so good?
I’d have to say Ian Petrutz. He was a freshman last year at Maryland and played a good amount for a reason. Not only is he a very strong, explosive player, but also can hit the ball to all fields with power. There was a certain way he carried himself that, as a sophomore, I admired and was drawn too. He was the guy that supplied the energy for his team and in the Paul VI-Eustace rivalry, that kind of energy is crucial.

Who would you say your baseball role model is? Why?
Bryce Harper- Bryce plays the game of baseball as it was meant to be played- with maximum hustle and effort on every play and with grit and passion whether it’s April or November. He’s a team leader and makes everyone around him a better player. That’s exactly how I, as anyone, aspire to be described as a player.







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