Prep Baseball Report

Get To Know: Stetson Recruit, '18 1B Brandon Hylton

TJ Hunt
Director, PBR New Jersey




PBR: Let’s start off with your commitment. Why did you choose Stetson? What did you see in Stetson that put it over the top for you?

Hylton: I selected Stetson based on their academic history, and I have two family members that attended as well.  Their personal academic experience made a great impact with me. Secondly, the baseball program that they offer, especially with the new coaching staff, and new head coach, coach Trimper, was very exciting to me once I reviewed and experienced their program.


PBR: What other schools were you considering?

Hylton: St. John's and Xavier University.


PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with them?

Hylton: At multiple games while playing for my team, Diamond Jacks at Georgia and Florida. Constant communication with the coaching staff.

 PBR: We are knee-deep into the off-season schedule. Tell us about your training, and spring preparation:

Hylton: Weight lifting three days a week, speed and agility twice a week and hitting twice a week as well.


PBR: If you were a baseball scout and just watched yourself play, what would that scouting report look like?

Hylton: Admiring the passion and determination, winning attitude and most importantly the humbleness of being a team member.


PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?

Hylton: My last game of my 2017 summer season.


PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?

Hylton: I have faced multiple good players, and I am always able to still perform at my best.


PBR: If you could only pick one, who would be your biggest baseball influence and why?

Hylton: Cody Bellinger. Seeing that he was a rookie this previous season, I watched how he came in and performed as if he was a veteran.


PBR: Stirrups or regular pant?

Hylton: Both.


PBR: Do you have any pregame superstitions?

Hylton: Make sure I am relaxed and listen to music that motivates me to perform at my best.


PBR: What would be your best walk out song? (Clean songs only, of course).

Hylton: "If I Can’t" by 50 cent clean version