Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Spotlight: '19 Tate Meiners, SS, Caledonia

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota


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Scouting Report

6/19/18-  5-foot-11, 180-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. #86 ranked player in MN 2019 class. 7.14 runner. Square stance, body load, drops hand slot, flat swing plane, flashes of hard line drive contact, 92 mph exit velocity. Solid footwork, tends to field underneath body, sure hands, solid actions, 81 mph arm strength across infield. On mound; simple rocker step into tuck and turn, stays compact with clean arm action out front. Fastball was 81-83 mph, touching 85 mph, with late run and sink for strikes. Solid depth on 11/5 breaking ball for strikes. Above avg. changeup, stalls out in bottom of zone, thrown with fastball arm action.

3/18/18- 5-foot-11, 180-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. 7.45 runner. Square stance, double tap trigger and body load, larger hand movements, flat swing plane, barrels baseball consistently, solid present strength, spray contact with mid/pull approach, 89 mph exit velocity. Sure hands, higher body position, active feet, lower arm slot, accurate to bag, 83 mph arm across infield. Projects as offensive second baseman at next level. On mound; short turn into medium balance point, short arm action, easy effort, upright on release, with avg. finish. Fastball was straight with solid command of zone at 80-83 mph. Small shape on 11/5 breaking ball with avg. depth. Straight changeup shows down action with avg. fade at plate.


3/18/17- 5-foot-9, 160-pound right-handed hitting shortstop. 7.69 runner. Square stance, double tap trigger, flat swing plane, choppy rhythm in load, hard contact to mid/pull side of field, 81 mph exit velocity. Average actions in field, solid athlete, usable glove, long release on throws, loses momentum through baseball, 76 mph arm strength across infield.


PBR: Why did you choose the school you did?

Meiners: I chose Augustana because of the high academic standards, location, and the very successful baseball program.

PBR: What other schools were you considering?

Meiners: I was considering Concordia St. Paul, St. Scholastica, St. Thomas, and Luther.

PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with him?

Meiners: He first saw me at a recruiting camp on campus and then later at various showcases and tournaments. We then stayed in contact through phone calls.

PBR: Do you feel relieved now that the process is over and you can just focus on baseball and not deal with everything that goes into picking a school?

Meiners: It is very relieving knowing where I am going. It’s nice not having worry about where you will be for the next 4 years.

PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?

Meiners: Many things influenced me on my decision to go to Augustana so I don’t think I can point out just one.

PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?

Meiners: My dad and all of my coaches along the way have helped me develop into who I am today.

PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it easy/difficult?

Meiners: I expected it to be difficult because it is such an important decision and it definitely was challenging.

PBR: What plans does the coaching staff have in store for you in your freshman season?

Meiners: They expect me to compete for a corner infield spot and use my bat to help the team be successful.

PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?

Meiners: Going to State for the first time in school history last year.

PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?

Meiners: I’ve played a lot of very good competition through the blizzard so I can’t point out just one.