Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Spotlight: '19 Nick Thimsen, OF, Minnetonka

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota


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Scouting Report

6/19/18- 6-foot-1, 175-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. #42 ranked player in MN 2019 class. 6.67 runner. Square balanced stance, easy body load, clean path through contact, shows extension through baseball, hard line drive and fly ball contact, 90 mph exit velocity. Fields out front, works through ball, has momentum and direction to target, quick release, accurate arm to target, 76 mph arm strength from outfield.

3/18/18- 6-foot-1, 170-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. 6.9 runner. Open stance and strides to square, slight elbow cock to load, shows looseness in swing, solid barrel skills, flashes pop in bat with ability to drive ball to gaps, 83 mph exit velocity. Plays quick in field, aggressive routes, works through ball with sure hands, catapult arm action, avg./playable arm, 81 mph arm strength from outfield.


10/22/17- 6-foot, 170-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. Currently un-ranked; Thimsen will make a jump in to MN 2019 rankings. 6.81 runner. Square stance, easy leg kick trigger, has strength and solid bat speed, mid/pull approach, flashes pop in bat, 86 mph exit velocity. Above avg. actions in field, avg. momentum and direction on throws, quick clean arm action with accuracy to target, 80 mph arm strength from outfield. 


PBR: Why did you choose the school you did?

Thimsen: I chose Concordia because the school is close to Minnetonka and the coaching staff is truly unbelievable. Another big plus is I am able to Major in my preferred area as well as receive academic scholarships based off my high school success.

PBR: What other schools were you considering?

Thimsen: I was considering a variety of schools from every division including St Thomas, North Dakota State University, and Northern State.

PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with him?

Thimsen: The coaching staff first came to watch my section championship game in 2018 and I then came into contact with them. I visited in mid-June and was able to develop an excellent relationship with the staff. While on visit my family and I soon learned how many connections we hadn’t realized to that point, in turn strengthening our relationship.

PBR: Do you feel relieved now that the process is over and you can just focus on baseball and not deal with everything that goes into picking a school?

Thimsen: There is a huge relief now because I am done with any applications or other school visits and am able to focus on honing my skills over this winter to have a successful spring season with Minnetonka.

PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?

Thimsen: When I first visited I had a really good vibe of the campus and the facilities that reminded me of home. This in combination with liking the coaches from the get-go and given the opportunity to play my freshman year made everything about the school seem right.

PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?

Thimsen: I definitely would have to credit that to my parents for paying all my expenses throughout my high school career to play as well as my brother for helping me advance in the sport farther than I could have thought around 6 years ago. And of course I have to thank my Varsity team last year and that coaching staff for giving me the chance to start right away and to showcase my abilities at that level. My teammates on that team I’d consider all brothers and we’ve developed an inseparable relationship with one another that has helped me know what a team really should be.

PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it easy/difficult?

Thimsen: I thought my recruiting process would take a bit of time and I’d end of making a decision around the time of my senior year Varsity season though it turned to be rather simple. After doing my first PBR event in October of 2017, I realized that my skill set could make this process easier as I put up solid numbers and started connecting with schools.

PBR: What plans does the coaching staff have in store for you in your freshman season?

Thimsen: They plan for me to gain strength and fill out my frame and to have me become a starter as 16 seniors will be graduating after the 2019 season.

PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?

Thimsen: Without question the journey of this spring season and moving through the 2018 state tournament. Of this time it’s a tough choice between having the walk off hit to advance to the semifinals game, or being the first player from Minnetonka to hit at Target Field.

PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?

Thimsen: It definitely is Andrew Gilbert from Stillwater during the State Championship. With his movement, command and velocity on the mound, I definitely see him going far in the sport.