Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Spotlight: '19 Isaac Fink, RHP, Springfield

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota


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Scouting Report

7/5/17- 6-foot-4, 185-pound left-handed hitting pitcher. Tall athletic build with projection. Shows tempo and rhythm in delivery, slight tuck and turn, short stride and lands open, moderate effort on release, with upright finish to plate. Fastball was 82-84 mph, straight, with heavy feel for strikes. Above avg. curveball with 12/4 shape and late break. Changeup is straight with downward fade at plate. Good athleticism. Strong follow with continued development.



PBR: Why did you choose the school you did?

Fink: Augustana has a fantastic baseball program ran by high quality coaches. I see myself fitting in well with the players that are there and the coaching staff. I am also going to be playing on the basketball team at Augie and because of the relationship I've built with both coaching staffs we see that this could work.

PBR: What other schools were you considering?

Fink: As far as baseball, the only school I could see myself being a dual-athlete was at Augustana. The rest of the schools in my consideration were for basketball purposes, although I was contacted by numerous different baseball programs.

PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with him?

Fink: My brother, Alex Fink, played baseball at Augustana for four years so the coaches were able to build a relationship with me at a young age. Current shortstop at Augie, Sam Baier, was one of my former teammates so they were also able to watch me at a young age.

PBR: Do you feel relieved now that the process is over and you can just focus on baseball and not deal with everything that goes into picking a school?

Fink: A big part of the reason I committed so early was because I wanted to just focus on my high school sports my senior year. Knowing that Augustana was the perfect fit, I had no difficulties committing early.

PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?

Fink: Winning and culture mean everything for me when I was picking a school. Augustana just recently won a National Title and have great pieces and culture coming back. It was really a no brainer for the baseball aspect.

PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?

Fink: As far as baseball, my brother Alex has given me a lot of advice on how to deal with certain situations. He is also the person that gave me my competitive edge which I think is my best quality.

PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it easy/difficult?

Fink: The recruiting process was difficult at times, but I had a great support staff around me that constantly reminded me how blessed I was to be in this situation.

PBR: What plans does the coaching staff have in store for you in your freshman season?

Fink: I am going to put on muscle and add velocity to my fastball. I am also going to work on better controlling my curveball and maintaining my change-up.

PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?

Fink: Winning the State Championship in 2016.

PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?

Fink: Nick Altermatt